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Bonwetsch, Emil Friedrich


The Reverend Emil Friedrich Bonwetsch is the son of Pastor Samuel Theophil Bonwetsch. He was born 30 (18?) January 1861 in Galka. He served parishes in Tomsk (1887-1891), Pjätigorsk (1891-1902), Rostov-on-Don (1922-1927), and Baku (1927-?). He moved to Moscow after retirement, and his whereabouts after 1928 are unknown.

After being a medical student for a year, Pastor Bonwetsch studied theology at the University of Dorpat.  It did his vicorship with his father in Kursk (1886-87), and then became a circuit rider in Western Siberia with his residence in Tomsk.

On 9 July 1889, he married Antonia Cecilia Luttringhausen, the daughter of Heinrich Luttringhausen, a factory owner in the Voronezh District.


- Amburger, E. Die Pastoren der evangelischen Kirchen Russlands von Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts bis 1937. Ein biografisches Lexikon. (Erlangen, Lüneburg: 1998): 269.
- Bonwetsch, Emil Friedrich ( - in Russian.
- Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen und das religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen – Evangelischer Teil (Stuttgart: AER Verlag Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Rußland, 1978): 127.

Volga Colonies

Pastor E. F. Bonwetsch.
Source: Estonia Historical Archive.
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