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Iglesia Evangélica Alemana de Viale, Bovril - Bovril

The Rev. Emil Mohn began holding a Bible study at the home of Juan Dietz on 23 June 1926. This marked the beginning of the German Lutheran congregation in Bovril. The families known to have been involved in this organization include those of: Johannes (Juan) Dietz, Andreas (Andrés) Heinze, Georg (Jorge) Müller, David Herbel, Friedrich (Federico) Herbel, Gottfried (Godofredo) Kerps, and Konrad (Conrado) Graff.

On 1 January 1960, the parish divided into two: Viale (south) and Bovril (north).

The congregation is affiliated with the Iglesia Evangélica del Río de La Plata (IERP).

Pastors & Priests

The Lutheran congregation in Bovril has been served by the following pastors:

Emil Mohn (1926)
Walter Grütz (1926-1932)
Gottfried von der Trenck (1932-1936)
Otto Faber (1933-1934)
Karl Osswald (1938-1950)
Wilhelm Mirus (1951-1951)
Hermann Thiede (1951-1955)
Otto Vöhringer (1955-1957)
Albert Renschler (1957-1964)
Karl Osswald (1964)
Rudolf Ross (1964-?)
Rudolf Ross Viale (1980-1982)
Enzo Pellini Nagel (1998-)

The congregation was also served by the following vicars:

René Krüger (1974-?)
Víctor Schöller (1977-?)
Juan Schvindt (1982-?)
Mario Bernhardt (1984-?)
Hilario Tech (1991-?)
Enzo Pellini Nagel (1996-1998)
