When the cement factory was built in Yocemento, Capuchin frairs began holding Catholic services in the homes of the residents. Local German and Volga German farmers near Yocemento sought permission to create a parish. They erected a frame building on a site west of the first bend of Big Creek. The church was later moved to its present site and was dedicated to St. Agnes. The cement plant failed in 1917 and the Hungarians gradually moved out of the community.
The church was later abandoned, and in 1931 it was moved to the Buckeye community where it was used as a community hall.
Pastors & Priests
The parish of St. Agnes was served by the following Capuchin Fathers:
Julius Becker
Fr. Eugene
Fr. Didacus
Fr. Vincent
Fr. Justin
Fr. Basil
Fr. William
Fr. Gilbert
Fr. William
Fr. George
Fr. Justin
Fr. Pancratius
Fr. Walter
Fr. Maurice
Fr. Florence
Jordan Hammel
Fr. Eugene
Fr. Didacus
Fr. Vincent
Fr. Justin
Fr. Basil
Fr. William
Fr. Gilbert
Fr. William
Fr. George
Fr. Justin
Fr. Pancratius
Fr. Walter
Fr. Maurice
Fr. Florence
Jordan Hammel