Lemmon, Perkins Co., South Dakota

Includes the following communities: 
Lemmon, Perkins Co., South Dakota

The town of Lemmon, South Dakota, was founded in 1906. It was named after a local cattleman, George Lemmon.

Volga German families settled in and around Lemmon.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families settled in and around Lemmon:

Gassmann from Mariental
Herzog from Kukkus
Schanfeldt from Pfeifer
Schweigert from Hölzel

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 49.037693
Longitude: 7.943391
Latitude: 48.541111
Longitude: 10.233056
Latitude: 50.310000
Longitude: 9.050833