Santa María was founded in the Utracán Departamento (District) in La Pampa Province on 20 November 1910. It was never much of a village but more a center for the rural families living in the area.
The following Volga German men and their families were founders of the colony:
Valentin (Valentín) Buss
Johann (Juan) Wertmüller
Johannes Guinder
Johann (Juan) Hammerschmidt
Peter (Pedro) Homann
Johann (Juan) Scholl
Joseph (José) Konrad
Peter (Pedro) Eberhardt
Heinrich (Enrique) Seewald
Philipp (Felipe) Schwab
Anton (Antonio) Röesch
Gabriel Jacob
Joseph (José) Güttlein
Very little except for the church building remains of Colonía Santa María.
There was a Catholic chapel in the community of Santa María.
- Obituaries published in Argentinisches Volksfreund
Colonia Santa María (Wikipedia) - in Spanish

Catholic Church in Colonía Santa María
Source: Guillermo López Castro

Former Train Station in Colonía Santa María
Source: Unanue - La Pampa - Argentina (FaceBook)
-37.383333, -64.2
Volga Colonies
Migrated From
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