Valentin Hartwig, son of Andreas Hartwig, was born in 1894 in an unknown Volga German colony.
In January 1920, he was elected chairman of the Union of Soviet Workers and a member of the presidium of the regional council of trade unions. From May 1920 to February 1921, he served as chairman of the trade unions. From February-September 1921, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council of the National Economy.
- ГАРФ, ф. 1318, оп. 15, д. 43, л. 25-27 via Alexander Spak.
- Hartwig, Valentin Andreyevich ( [in Russian]
Delegates to the 10th All-Russian Congress of the Soviets (23-27 December 1922).
Standing: Hartwig, Mohr, Gross, Unknown.
Seated: Grohmann, Fuchs, König, Kurtz, Grioryev, Persidskii.
Front: Schönfeld, Irma Fuchs.
Source: Unsere Wirtschaft 1 (15 January 1924).
Delegates of the 11th All-Russian Congress of Soviets (19-29 January 1924)
Standing: Hartwig, Gross, Kolotilov, Leiser.
Seated: Pyatnitzin, Schwab, Vishnevskaya, Kurtz, Welsch.
Source: A. A. Herman. German Autonomy on the Volga. 1918-1941 (Moscow: IGMN-Press, 2007): 539.