Jean Malliez, a plowman (Laboureur), age 30, and his unnamed wife, an embroiderer, seamstress, and laundress (brodeuse, cauturiere et blanchisseuse) age 26, are recorded on a list of colonists dated September 1764.
Jean Malque [sic], a farmer, and his wife Anna Sophia settled in the Volga German colony of Franzosen on 28 July 1765. They are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 4.
The 1764 list of colonists records that Jean Malliez came from Luxembourg and that his wife came from the French region of Sarre [today located in Germany]. The 1767 census records that Jean Malque came from Luxembourg.
There are no known surviving male lines of this family among the Volga German colonies.
- Idt, Andreas & Georg Rauschenbach. Die "Berufer": Abenteurer der Aufklärung in Katharinas II. Kolonisierungsprojekt (Moscow, 2019): 41.
- Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet, 1764-1767 Band 1 (Göttingen: Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 1999): 442.
Brent Mai
Pre-Volga Origin
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Volga Colonies
Immigration Locations
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