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Brening, Alex & Sally Brening Everett

Alex Brening and his sister Sarah (Sally) Brening Everett founded their first restaurant in 1950 at 2600 Park Road in Lincoln, Nebraska, and began selling runzas, a traditional Volga German hamburger, onion, and cabbage mixture wrapped in dough. There are now over 80 Runza Restaurant locations in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and Colorado. [Runzas are called by several different names, depending upon the traditions of particular Volga German families: runza, bierock, krautbierock, krautbrock, krautburger, etc.]


Johannes Dornhecker [sic] from Altenmittlau, son of the deceased Peter Dornhecker, married in Somborn on 1 June 1755 to Anna Maria Catharina Braun, daughter of Johann Wolfgang Christoph Braun from Neustadt on der Saale.

The baptism of several children born in Altenmittlau to Johannes Dorndecker & Catharina Braun are recorded in the parish register of Somborn: (1) Maria Anna, baptized 24 July 1757; (2) Sybilla, baptized 2 February 1761; and (3) Matthias, baptized 12 September 1763, died 1 March 1764.