Volga Germans were attracted to Michigan in 1902 by the sugarbeet industry. Later many found jobs in Michigan industry.
Volga Germans were attracted to Michigan in 1902 by the sugarbeet industry. Later many found jobs in Michigan industry.
A number of Volga German families from Yagodnaya-Polyana that had originally settled in Kansas relocated to Maryland in the mid-1890s, and their descants are located today throughout this region.
Sallet reports that by 1920, there were 500 Evangelical and 500 Catholic Volga German immigrants of the first and second generation living in Iowa.
Volga Germans began settling in Illinois in 1888 with the first immigrants from Grimm and Balzer arriving in the Humboldt Park area of Chicago.
Sallet reports that in 1910, Volga Germans from the Portland, Oregon, area moved to Idaho to work in the sugarbeet industry.
Sallet reports that by 1920, there were 16,000 Evangelical and 3,500 Catholic Volga German immigrants of the first and second generation settled in Colorado. In 1970, descendants of the Germans from Russia were the second largest ethnic group in Colorado, exceeded only by Spanish-speaking people.
Volga German immigration directly to California began in 1886 with the arrival of the first settlers in Fresno.
There are several areas in the Brazilian state of Río Grande do Sul that were settled by Volga Germans:
Santa Manoela (Russland)
São Borja
Silveira Martins
The Brazilian State of Paraná is divided in to Municipalities which function more or less like counties in the United States and include cities and towns within their jurisdiction. Volga Germans settled in several Municipalities in Paraná including the following:
Ponta Grossa Municipality
In the Municipality of Ponta Grossa, Colônia Octávio was founded by Volga German settlers in 1878. It was subdivided into smaller colonies which included (number of original settlers in parenthesis):
In 1871, many of the privileges originally provided to the Volga Germans when they first settled in Russia where withdrawn.
Many began looking for new areas to settle where they could live undisturbed. While some looked to the Russian frontier in Siberia, where enforcement of the law was not as strict, many looked to the Americas as their best hope for the future. In the late 1800's and early 1900's, significant numbers of Volga Germans emigrated to the North American countries of Canada and the United States and thousands more looked for a new beginning in South America.