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Zion Lutheran Church - Tacoma

Zion Lutheran was founded in 1890. It moved the original church building to 21st & Cushman and it was purchased by Peace Lutheran Church. A new facility was constructed at 16th & L in 1908.

Zion Lutheran is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

First Location:

16th & L Streets
Tacoma, Washington

Second Location:

3410 6th Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98406-5499

Peace Lutheran Church - Tacoma

Although there were already two Lutheran parishes active in the Volga German community of South Tacoma (Trinity Lutheran and Zion Lutheran), the distance between the churches was perceived to be preventing some people from attending. Consequently, beginning in January, 1909, several families began meeting privately for afternoon or evening workship and meetings. Under the leadership of the Rev. George Köhler of Olympia, a new congregation called "Evangelische Lutherische Friedens Gemeinde" (Peace Lutheran Church) was organized and the charter signed on 9 May 1909 with 61 voting members.

Zion German Congregational Church - Ritzville

Zion German Evangelical Congregational Church was organized in 1888 and the first church structure was built. This building was moved one block north in 1901 and converted into a school (this structure was subsequently demolished). The new facility was completed in the fall of 1901.

At some point, the Zion congregation and the Philadelphia congregation merged.

Currently this congregation is called Zion Philadelphia United Church of Christ.


Immanuel German Congregational Church - Ritzville

Volga German families living near the Lincoln and Adams county line northwest of Ritzville began meeting in 1897. The Immanuel German Congregational Church was officially organized on 10 March 1899. It was located on the south side of Davis Road in Adams County while the congregation's cemetery (called the County Line Cemetery) sits across the road in Lincoln County.


Davis Road, near the corner of Bauer Road
7 miles south and 3 miles west of Downs
northwest of Ritzville, Washington

St. Matthew's Congregational Church - Odessa

St. Matthew's Congregational Church was organized in 1916. It was affiliated with the German Congregational Church.

The congregation eventually disbanded.

The building was the property of Esther Schlimmer when it was donated to the Odessa Historical Society by her family. The property is now maintained by the Odessa Historical Society.


Corner of Alder Street & 4th Avenue
Odessa, Washington

Christ Lutheran Church - Odessa

Christ Lutheran Church was founded in 1901 to serve the German-Russian community in and around Odessa. The current church building was constructed in 1958.

Christ Lutheran Church was affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but is now affiliated with the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.


602 East Amende Drive
PO Box 400
Odessa, WA 99159
Telephone: 509.982.2411