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Tramping Lake, Saskatchewan

In 1903-1904, the Catholic Colonization Society led by F. J. Lange was granted a bloc of 77 townships in west central Saskatchewan. In late April 1905, the first settlers arrived at their new home near Tramping Lake.  A second group arrived on May 11, 1905. Germans from Russia who had first settled in the Dakotas arrived from 1905-1908. Immigrants coming directly from south Russia arrived from 1908-1910. Some moved from the previously settled Saskatchewan Catholic colonies of St. Joseph’s Colony near Balgonie or St. Peter’s Colony near Humboldt.

Böhm (Neu-Kolonie)

Heinrich Böhm is recorded on the 1834 census of Neu-Kolonie as the son-in-law of widow Anna Baumtrog. He and his family are recorded there in Household No. 34.

Further research is needed to determine where Heinrich Böhm was prior to Neu-Kolonie.