An article by Hermann Wäschke records the following:
Christian Grassmann, a day laborer (Tagelöhner) from Oranienbaum, originally from Saxony, whose house was sold for 28 Thlr. debt. He is mentioned in the letter written by Andreas Reinefeld from Schwed, Russia, dated 3 July 1788 and appearing on page 99 of the Wäschke article.
Christian Grassmann, a farmer, his wife Elisabeth, and children (Maria, age 14; Christian, age 12; Henrietta, age 9; Gottlieb, age 3) from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 4 July 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.
Christi. Grassmann, his wife Elisabet, and children (Maria, age 14; Christian, age 12; Henritta, age 9; Gottlieb, age 3) are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.
They settled in the Volga German colony of Kaneau on 7 June 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 13.
In 1785, Christian Grassmann and his family moved from Kaneau to Rosenheim.
Christian Grassmann from Kaneau and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Rosenheim in Household No. Rm28.
Daughter Maria [Rosina] Grassmann, her husband Andreas Rennefeld, and their family are recorded on the 1798 census of Schwed in Household No. Sw22.
The descendants of Christian Grassmann are recorded on the 1834 census of Rosenheim in Households No. 35 & 75.
The 1767 census records that Christian Grassmann came from the German region of Anhalt-Dessau.
- 1834 Rosenheim Census (Households No. 35, 75).
- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Rm28, Sw22, Mv1131.
- Mai, Brent Alan, trans. & ed. Transport of the Volga Germans from Oranienbaum to the Colonies on the Volga: 1766-1767 (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1998): #5818-5823.
- Mai, Brent Alan and Dona Reeves-Marquardt. German Migration to the Russian Volga (1764-1767) (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 2003): #1074.
- Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet, 1764-1767 Band 2 (Göttingen: Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 2001): 246.
- Pleve, Igor. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg (Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2010): #1475.
- Rauschenbach, Georg. Deutsche Kolonisten auf dem Weg von St. Petersburg nach Saratow: Transportlisten von 1766-1767 (Moscow: G.V. Rauschenbach, 2017): #0986-0991.
- Wäschke, Hermann. "Deutsche Familien in Russland" in Roland, Archiv für Stamm- und Wappenkunde, Jubiläumsschrift, 18 January 1912: 85, 99.
Brent Mai
Karl Becker

Article (May 1766) announcing the public auction of the house and household goods left behind by Christian Grassmann after he immigrated to Russia.
Source: Karl Becker.
Pre-Volga Origin
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