Waldfischbach, Kr. Südwestpfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz
Today, Waldfischbach is administratively part of the municipality of Waldfischbach-Burgalben.
Today, Waldfischbach is administratively part of the municipality of Waldfischbach-Burgalben.
Volga German families settled in and around Logansport, Louisiana.
Volga German families settled in and around Curtis, Nebraska.
Volga German families settled in and around Cranbrook, British Columbia.
In 1903-1904, the Catholic Colonization Society led by F. J. Lange was granted a bloc of 77 townships in west central Saskatchewan. In late April 1905, the first settlers arrived at their new home near Tramping Lake. A second group arrived on May 11, 1905. Germans from Russia who had first settled in the Dakotas arrived from 1905-1908. Immigrants coming directly from south Russia arrived from 1908-1910. Some moved from the previously settled Saskatchewan Catholic colonies of St. Joseph’s Colony near Balgonie or St. Peter’s Colony near Humboldt.
Volga German families settled in and around Salmon Arm, British Columbia.
Heinrich Böhm is recorded on the 1834 census of Neu-Kolonie as the son-in-law of widow Anna Baumtrog. He and his family are recorded there in Household No. 34.
Further research is needed to determine where Heinrich Böhm was prior to Neu-Kolonie.
Volga German families settled in and around DeWitt, Michigan.
Volga German families settled in and around Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan.
Volga German families settled in and around St. Cyr Lake, Saskatchewan.