Friedrichsfeld was founded in 1885 by ethnic German colonists relocating from the Kherson Province. They were later joined by Volga German colonists relocating from both the Saratov and Samara Provinces.
The colonists bought 4,000 desyatins on the right bank of the Big Kugulta [Бол. Кугульта] River about 70 kilometers northeast of Stavropol from Fyodor Zolotarev after whom the village took its Russian name of Zolotarevka.
In 1941, all of the German inhabitants were deported to Asiatic Russia.
The following list of those living in Friedrichsfeld was located by Heinrich Reichert:
Kalmbach, Joh.
Zimmermann, Joh.
Ebel, Mich.
Decker, Karl
Decker, Marg.
Wüst, Jak.
Merker, Joh.
Holembowski, Jak.
Merker, Ad.
Fuhrmann, Jak.
Suter, Peter
Kary, Eman.
Balliet, Theod.
Kary, Joh.
Kreusan, Joh.
Kreusan, Jak.
Holembowski, Joh.
Kary, Peter
Ackermann, Joh.
Wüst, Heinr.
Benkendorf, Dar.
Kirchhöfer, Sim.
Fuhrmann, Ludw.
Schritt, Joh.
Roth, Chr.
Roth, Joh.
Rothmann, Joh.
Rothmann, Chr.
Böhm, Karl
Grenz, Gottl.
Stickelmaier, Jak.
Nagel, Wilh.
Nagel, Jak.
Balliet, Friedr.
Kary, Joh.
Wolf, Dan.
Buchols, Karl
Kary, Math.
Zimpel, Jak.
Rothmann, Joh.
Fallmann, Sam.
Merker, Ad. (s)
Renrich, Karl
Ernst, Joh.
Boländer, Ad.
Buse, Karl
Petri, Rich.
Ebel, Chr.
Ebel, Joh.
Petri, Karl
Knaus, Alb.
Petri, Emil
Stickelmaier, Joh.
Rothmann, Chr.
Rothmann, Heinr.
Rothmann, Christ.
Knaus, Heinr.
Schäfer, Geo.
Fischer, Jak.
Fischer, Sam.
Schilling, Wal.
Knaus, Mart.
Knaus, Reinh.
Zimmermann, Pet.
Zimmermann, Jos.
Zimmermann, Mich. (or Nick.)
Zimmermann, Jak.
Roth, Chr.
Knaus, Rob.
Bachmann, And.
Merker, Karl
Amann, Nik.
Amann, Joh.
Kunz, Jos.
Kunz, Joh.
Holembowski, Paul
Mathes, Geo.
Kary, Joh.
Roth, Peter
Mathes, Ed.
Herzel, Jak.
Bachmann, An.
Zimmermann, Geo.
Zimmermann, Joh.
Roßen, Joh.
Belikow [Russian]
Tschabann [Russian]
1868 |
1873 | ||||
1880 | ||||
1897 | 775* | |||
1904 |
1909 | 628 | |||
1911 |
1915 |
1918 |
675 |
1920 | 1,025 |
1926 |
893** |
*Of whom 708 were German.
**Of whom 790 were German.
The first settlers of Friedrichsfeld were Lutheran. They were joined by other settlers of the Reformed faith practice.
The following Volga German families settled in Friedrichsfeld:
Kindsvater from Dietel
- Diesendorf, V.F. Die Deutschen Russlands : Siedlungen und Siedlungsgebiete : Lexicon. Moscow, 2006.
- "List of German Colonies of the North Caucasus." Heimatbuch 1961 (Stuttgart).
- Statistics of Populated Areas and Land Ownership in the Stavropol Province. Issue IX (Stavropol, 1881).
- Tvalchrelidze A. Stavropol province in statistical, historical and agricultural relations (Stavropol, 1897).
- Tereshchenko, A. G. & A. L. Chernenko. Russian Germans in the South of Russia and the Caucasus. Encyclopedic reference book (Rostov-on-Don: Rostizdat LLC, 2000).
- Золотарёвка (Ставропольский край) (Russian Wikipedia)
Map from 1903 showing the location of Friedrichsfeld.
Source: Дорожная карта Кавказского края 1903 года.
Map of Friedrichsfeld from 1930.