Includes the following communities
Roundup, Musselshell Co., Montana
Klein, Musselshell Co., Montana
Volga Germans settled in and around Roundup, Montana.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families are known to have settled in and around Roundup:
Adolph from Warenburg
Dreiling from Herzog
Schwabenland from Straub
Wacher / Walker from Norka
- Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlement in the United States (Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974): 51.
- New Miners Cemetery (
- Old Miners Cemetery (
- Roundup Cemetery (
External Links
Roundup, Montana (Wikipedia)
46.445242, -108.5418
Volga Colonies
Migrated From
50.183333, 9.033333
50.595621, 8.280825
49.960278, 9.772222
49.709602, 7.916762