Novoskatovka, Sherbakulski District, Omsk Oblast (Siberia)

Includes the following communities: 
Новоскатовка, Шербакульский район, Омская область
Novoskatovka, Sherbakulski District, Omsk Oblast (Siberia)
Nowoskatowka, Scherbakulskij District, Omsk Oblast (Siberia)
Schöntal, Omsk Oblast (Siberia)
Neu-Straub, Omsk Oblast (Siberia)

Novoskatovka was founded in 1906 by Volga German colonists resettling from Yagodnaya Polyana and Neu-Straub. The Russian name of Neu-Straub was Novoskatovka, so that is what the new settlement was called. The early settlers also used the names of Schöntal and Neu-Straub.

On 18 September 1941, 53 families (265 people) arrived from the Volga German colony of Erlenbach from which they had been deported on 5 September 1941.

Volga German Congregations: 

The original Volga German colonists who came from Yagodnaya Polyana and Neu-Straub in 1906 were Lutheran.

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies