Mohr, Alexander


Alexander Mohr, son of Friedrich Mohr, was born on 6 January 1889 in the Volga German daughter colony of Friedenberg.  He was a Communist Party leader, and served from 24 October 1918 to 10 November 1922 on the Executive Committee of the Province of the Volga German Labor Commune, serving from February 1921 to 10 November 1922 as its chairman.

He was sent to Turkestan, whre from 21 November 1922 to September 1923 he served as deputy chairman of the Syrdarya Oblast Executive Committee.From October 1923 to November 1925, he served as Deputy Commissar of Agriculture for the Turkestan ASSR where he also served as a member of the Central Executive Committee, the Presidium of the State Planning Commission, and the Central Executive Committee. From 19 November 1925 to 1926, Mohr served as the People's Commissar for Agriculture of the Turkmen SSR, and was also a member of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and a member of the Budget Commission of the CEC of the USSR.

From 1924-1926, he was the head of the Vodkhoz of the TSSR [Turkmen SSR] as well as a member of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the TSSR, and a member of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the TSSR. From 1926 to 1929, he was deputy chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Uzbek SSR. In 1929 he was an economist of the Supreme Economic Council of the Uzbek SSR.

In 1928, he was expelled from the party for "mismanagement." He was restored in 1930 because of his experience. In 1931, he became head of the inspection and a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council of the Uzbek SSR. He became deputy chair of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council on 20 May 1931, and served as chairman of the State Planning Committee of the Uzbek SSR on 10 March 1934.

On 9 September 1937, Mohr was arrested in the case of "an underground nationalist fascist organization" in the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan. He was sentenced to 10 years of labor. On 28 March 1938, during preceedings of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, he was sentenced to be executed. His burial place is unknown.


- АПРФ, оп. 24, д. 415, л. 224; РГАСПИ (Фонд Средазбюро. Документы по кадровым и финансовым вопросам), ф. 62, оп. 4, д. 680, л. 69-73 (Личный листок, автобиография).
- Mohr, Alexander Fyodorovich ( [in Russian]

Volga Colonies: 

Alexander Mohr.

Delegates to the 10th All-Russian Congress of the Soviets (23-27 December 1922).
Standing: Hartwig, Mohr, Gross, Unknown.
Seated: Grohmann, Fuchs, König, Kurtz, Grioryev, Persidskii.
Front: Schönfeld, Irma Fuchs.
Source: Unsere Wirtschaft 1 (15 January 1924).

Alexander Mohr (1935).
Source: Family Archive.

Alexander Mohr with his wife Nina and son Sasha (1935).
Source: Family Archive.

Alexander Mohr and his wife Nina (1936).
Source: Family Archive.