Martinsfeld was a colony founded in 1868, but there were German-Russian inhabitants living there as early as 1865. It was located on the right bank of the Big Kugulta [Бол. Кугульта] River about 70 kilometers northeast of Stavropol. The land (2,018 desyatins) had been purchased from State Councilor Martinov after whom it was named.
Early inhabitants were Black Sea and Volga German colonists resettling from the Kherson, Taurida, and Samara Provinces and Bessarabia.
In 1915, the village was renamed to Martinovka.
In 1941, all German inhabitants of Martinovka were deported to Asiatic Russia.
From Heinrich Reichert comes a list of heads-of-household in Martinovka as of 1917 (probably from the 1916 agricultural census). He believes the original source of the list is the Stavropol Archives.
1. Мясоедов Трофим Васильевич [Russian]
2. Миллер Андрей Феодорович [Miller, Andreas (son of Friedrich)]
3. Септ Михаил Михайлович [Sept, Michael (son of Michael)]
4. Кетцнер Эдуард Федорович (Ketzner, Eduward [son of Friedrich)]
5. Ланг Иоган Фридрихович (Lang, Johann (son of Friedrich)]
6. Коль Иоган Готлибович (Kohl, Johann (son of Gottlieb)]
7. Септ Фридрих Фридрихович (Sept, Friedrich (son of Friedrich)]
8. Септ Людвиг Фридрихович (Sept, Ludwig (son of Friedrich)]
9. Меер Иоган Карлович (Mehr, Johann (son of Karl)]
10. Гесс Иоган Яковлевич [Heß, Johann (son of Jakob)]
11. Гесс Христиан Иоганович [Heß, Christian (son of Johann)]
12. Гесс Яков Иоганович [Heß, Jakob (son of Johann)]
13. Герман Вениамин Михайлович [Hermann, Benjamin (son of Michael)]
14. Септ Фридрих Фридрихович [Sept, Friedrich (son of Friedrich)]
15. Литау Людвиг Самуилович [Lithau, Ludwig (son of Samuel)]
16. Септ Яков Феодорович [Sept, Jakob (son of Friedrich)]
17. Циммерман Яков Христофорович [Zimmermann, Jakob (son of Christopher)]
18. Пауль Лев Яковлевич [Paul, Leb (son of Jakob)]
19. Пауль Иосиф Яковлевич [Paul, Joseph (son of Jakob)]
20. Ланг Феодор Фридрихович [Lang, Friedrich (son of Friedrich)]
21. Вейс Самуил Годфридович (Weiß, Samuel (son of Gottfried)]
22. Рейхерт Эммануил Эммануилович [Reichert, Immanuel (son of Immanuel)]
23. Ерке Мартын Мартынович (Jerke, Martin (son of Martin)]
24. Ерке Каролина [Jerke, Karolina]
25. Рыбхаген Готфрид Готфридович [Rübhagen, Gottfried (son of Gottfried)]
26. Герман Людвиг Людвигович [Hermann, Ludwig (son of Ludwig)]
27. Ерке Мартын Мартынович [Jerke, Martin (son of Martin)]
28. Гельке Фердинанд [Gelke, Ferdinand]
29. Литау Самуил [Lithau, Samuel]
30. Литау Мартын Самуилович [Lithau, Martin (son of Samuel)]
31. Литау Иосиф Самуилович [Litau, Joseph (son of Samuel)]
32. Рыбхаген Христиан Христианович [Rübhagen, Christian (son of Christian)]
33. Рыбхаген Христиан [Rübhagen, Christian]
34. Меер Христиан Карлович [Mehr, Christian (son of Karl)]
35. Гесс Кондрат Иоганович [Heß, Konrad (son of Johann)]
36. Гува Егор Егорович [Huwa, Igor (son of Igor)]
37. Пауль Генрих Яковлевич [Paul, Heinrich (son of Jakob)]
38. Рыбхаген Кондратий Фридрихович [Rübhagen, Konrad (son of Friedrich)]
39. Вейс Мартын Готфридович [Weiß, Martin (son of Gottfried)]
40. Вейс Андреас Готфридович [Weiß, Andreas (son of Gottfried)]
41. Герман Михаил Иванович [Hermann, Michael (son of Johann)]
42. Герман Готлиб Михайлович [Hermann, Gottlieb (son of Michael)]
43. Септ Кондрат Фридрихович [Sept, Konrad (son of Friedrich)]
44. Крафт Христофор [Kraft, Christopher]
45. Беербах Даниил Михайлович [Beerbach, Daniel (son of Michael)]
46. Швелир Генрих Давидович (Schwellir, Heinrich (son of David)]
47. Гок Карл Кондратович [Hoch, Karl (son of Konrad)]
48. Шиллинг Гатофрил Карлович [Schilling, Gottfried (son of Karl)]
49. Шиллинг Карл Карлович [Schilling, Karl (son of Karl)]
50. Септ Михаил Фридрихович [Sept, Michael (son of Friedrich)]
51. Септ Яков Михайлович [Sept, Jakob (son of Michael)]
52. Рейхерт Траугот Эммануилович [Reichert, Traugott (son of Immanuel)]
53. Аппель Маргарита [Appel, Margaretha]
54. Аппель Эммануил Иоганович [Appel, Immanuel (son of Johann)]
55. Шиллинг Христофор Карлович [Schilling, Christopher (son of Karl)]
56. Янс Христиан Христианович [Jahns, Christian (son of Christian)]
57. Цейлер Рудольф Яковлевич [Zeiler, Rudolph (son of Jakob)]
58. Блейк Адольф Яковлевич [Bleik, Adolph (son of Jakob)]
59. Люн? Готлиб Адамович [Leon?, Gottlieb (son of Adam)]
60. Люн? Яков Адамович [Leon?, Jakob (son of Adam)]
61. Ротэрмель Георгий Георгиевич [Rothermel, Georg (son of Georg)]
62. Пфлаум Каспар [Pflaumm, Kaspar]
63. Вист Яков [Wiest, Jakob]
64. Шмидт Яков Карлович [Schmidt, Jakob (son of Karl)]
65. Блейк? [Bleik?]
66. Эберст Иоган [Eberst, Johann]
67. Краус Иоган Иоганович [Kraus, Johann (son of Johann)]
68. Фогель Александр Иоганович [Voge, Alexander (son of Johann)]
69. Гумель [Hummel]
70. Гуман [Humman]
71. Моор Петр Петрович [Mohr, Peter (son of Peter)]
72. Руст Готфрид Христианович [Rust, Gottfried (son of Christian)]
73. Септ Яков Кондратович [Sept, Jakob (son of Konrad)]
74. Долгинов Сергей Найдын [Russian]
75. Сюкшлев Сагадык Окунов [Russian]
1868 |
1873 | 256 | |||
1880 | 220 | |||
1897 | 223 | |||
1904 |
1909 | 420 | |||
1911 |
394 | ||
1915 |
390 |
1918 |
367 |
1920 | 517 |
1926 |
471* |
*Of whom 429 were German.
The inhabitants of Martinsfeld were Lutheran, with one Baptist family. There was a Lutheran Bethaus (combination church/school) located in the village.
The Lutheran congregation in Martinsfeld was served by the following pastors:
Rev. C. Treufeldt
The following Volga German families settled in Martinsfeld:
Blehm from Shcherbakovka
- Diesendorf, V.F. Die Deutschen Russlands : Siedlungen und Siedlungsgebiete : Lexicon. Moscow, 2006.
- Heimatbuch 1961, pp. 61-62.
- Plokhotnyuk T. N. “The German Population of the North Caucasus: Socio-Economic, Political and Religious Life” - Ph.D. thesis (Stavropol, 1996).
- Statistics of Populated Areas and Land Ownership in the Stavropol Province. Issue IX (Stavropol, 1881).
- Tvalchrelidze A. Stavropol province in statistical, historical and agricultural relations (Stavropol, 1897).
- Tereshchenko, A. G. & A. L. Chernenko. Russian Germans in the South of Russia and the Caucasus. Encyclopedic reference book (Rostov-on-Don: Rostizdat LLC, 2000).
- Мартыновка (Ставропольский край) (Russian Wikipedia)

Map showing the colonies of Martinsfeld and Blumental (1874).
Source: Russian Wikipedia.

Map from 1903 showing the location of Martinsfeld.
Source: Дорожная карта Кавказского края 1903 года.

Certificate of the Confirmation of Johann David Blehm on 10 June 1884 in the Bethaus of Martinsfeld, signed by Pastor C. Treufeldt.
Source: John W. Blehm.