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Zion Lutheran Church - Follett

Zion Lutheran Church in Follett, Texas, was organized on 3 August 1919 by The Rev. Louis H. Deffner. It is affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

The following were charter members: Dean Kinzelt, S. F. Mandalek, Gottfried Borth, Martin Mandalek, J. J. Riffel, Fred Myer, and Frank Mandalek.

The first church building was dedicated 8 April 1923.

St. John's Congregational Church - Follett

St. John's German Congregational Church was organized in Follett, Texas, in 1926. It was located five miles west and three miles south of the town of Follett.

The following were charter members: Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Yauck, Mr. & Mrs. George Kraft, Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Jergenson, Mr. & Mrs. Dave File, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Helfenbein, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Helfenbein, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Swenn, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Robert Redelsperger, Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. Chris Weidner.