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St. John's Reformed Church - Montrose

A Congregational congregation was organized in Montrose in 1885, and in 1886 the group constructed its first building.

The first German Congregational Church was organized in 1910.

St. John's German Evangelical (Reformed) Church was built in 1913. It was affiliated with the German Congregational Church.

The congregation reorganized in 1924, but disbanded in about 1938.

St. John's Lutheran Church - Montrose

On 4 February 1940, a group of Lutherans organized a Lutheran congregation in Montrose, Colorado. They bought the former St. John's Reformed Church building on Park Avenue on 11 June 1940 and called the new congregation St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.

In 2001, the congregation changed its name to Living Word Lutheran Church and in 2002 moved to a temporary location at 33 N. Uncompahgre Ave. They sold the old church building to Dr. Craig Cayo, an oral surgeon.

In 2011, the congregation constructed a new 5,000 square foot church building on Peyton Drive.