
Spelling Variations: 
Settled in the Following Colonies: 
Discussion & Documentation: 

According to a publication by the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia titled "File on Those Colonists Departing in 1773; also about their dispatch to Saratov under escort of Kontora Cavalry Seargeant-Major Gomolka and the discharge of several colonists upon payment; No. 25882," the Michael Hohweiler family was from the German village of Hailer.

Michael Hohweiler and Maria Magadalena Stroh were married on 1 March 1758 in Hailer. Maria Magdalena, daughter of Johannes & Susanna Stroh, was born 26 January 1739 and baptized 1 February 1739 in Hailer. Michael and Maria Magdalena had two children according to the Hailer/Meerholz parish records: (1) Georg Ernst, born 11 September 1763 and baptized 16 September 1763, and (2) Johannes, born 24 January 1768 and baptized 27 January 1768.

They arrived in St. Petersburg from Lübeck aboard a ship under the command of Skipper Martin Friedrich Marcau on 29 May 1773.

Son Johannes is recorded on the 1798 Census of the colony of Stephan in Household No. Sp29.

Johannes Hohweiler from Stephan and his family are recorded on the 1857 census of Gnadentau.

Johannes Hohweiler from Stephan and his family are recorded on the 1857 census of Friedenberg.


- 1850 Stephan Census (Household No. 149).
- 1857 Friedenberg Census.
- 1857 Gnadentau Census.
- 1857 Stephan Census (Household No. 151).
- Ger-Volga-L on Rootsweb (http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/ger-volga/2009-11/1258657363).
- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Sp29.
- Parish register of Hailer.

Contributor(s) to this page: 

Maggie Hein

Brent Mai

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Immigration Locations