Meier (Kolb)

Spelling Variations: 
Meier (Kolb)
Мейеръ (Kolb)
Settled in the Following Colonies: 
Discussion & Documentation: 

Georg [Meier] (age 11) and his brother Wilhelm (age 3) are recorded on the 1767 census of Kolb in Household No. 13 along with their mother Barbara and stepfather Konrad Keim. They had arrived in Kolb on 13 May 1767.

Georg Meier and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Kolb in Household No. Ko01.

The 1767 census does not record from where Georg & Wilhelm Meier came.


- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Ko01.
- Pleve, Igor. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg (Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2010): #1053.

Contributor(s) to this page: 

Brent Mai

Volga Colonies

Immigration Locations