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St. Matthew's Congregational Church - Odessa

St. Matthew's Congregational Church was organized in 1916. It was affiliated with the German Congregational Church.

The congregation eventually disbanded.

The building was the property of Esther Schlimmer when it was donated to the Odessa Historical Society by her family. The property is now maintained by the Odessa Historical Society.


Corner of Alder Street & 4th Avenue
Odessa, Washington

Bethlehem Lutheran Church - WaKeeney

Bethlehem Lutheran Church was founded by Volga German families on 31 October 1897. They first met in the school house and then worshiped in the Methodist Church until 6 May 1906 when they dedicated their own church building. This building was used by the congregation until it was destroyed by fire on 14 December 1945. A new church was dedicated on 19 June 1949.


338 N. 7th St.
WaKeeney, KS 67672
Telephone: 785.743.2005

Immanuel Lutheran Church - WaKeeney

Many Volga German families have been part of the history of Immanuel Lutheran Church in WaKeeney. It was first formed in 1925. During its last years, the congregation was affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

The congregation disbanded, and the building was sold in 2021. It is now a private residence.


438 N. Main
WaKeeney, KS 67672

Zion Lutheran Church - WaKeeney (Trego Center)

Zion Lutheran Church was organized in May 1905 by a group of Volga German families living in the area of what is called Trego Center, 9 miles south of WaKeeney on Highway 283. The charter members were the families of: Christ Rohn, Friedrich Margheim, John Henry Deines, John J. Deines, John F. Deines, John J. Berschauer, Henry Schneider, Fred Dietz, George Deines, George A. Mai, Peter Mai, David Deines, Jacob Deines, J.J. Bauer, Adam Mai, and Henry Fabrizius.

St. Ann Catholic Parish - Walker

In 1893, a school building was constructed in Walker, and on Christmas Day, 1903, the first Mass was said for the Volga German settlers living in the area. Construction of a church building was begun the following year. It was dedicated on Thanksgiving Day, 1905, to St. Ann.

A parochial school was constructed in 1924 and dedicated in August of 1925. The Sisters of St. Agnes run the school.

The following men were founders of Walker:

St. Agnes Catholic Parish - Yocemento

When the cement factory was built in Yocemento, Capuchin frairs began holding Catholic services in the homes of the residents. Local German and Volga German farmers near Yocemento sought permission to create a parish. They erected a frame building on a site west of the first bend of Big Creek. The church was later moved to its present site and was dedicated to St. Agnes. The cement plant failed in 1917 and the Hungarians gradually moved out of the community.

The church was later abandoned, and in 1931 it was moved to the Buckeye community where it was used as a community hall.

First Reformed Church - Flint

First Reformed Church was founded in Flint in July of 1919 by Volga German families from Huck, Messer, and Döhnof. They were soon joined by families from many other colonies. The Rev. John Schmalz was called as the congregations first pastor, and he arrived on 1 December 1919.

This congregation is now called Peace Presbyterian Church and is affiliated with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.


Corner of Buick and Gillespie Streets
Flint, Michigan

Emanuel Lutheran Church - Port Huron

Elmwood & Stone
Port Huron, Michigan
The "German Evangelical Lutheran Emanuel Congregation of Fort Gratiot" was founded in 1879 by members from the Trinity Lutheran congregation located at 10th and Griswald. They also established a Lutheran parochial school which struggled for a few years.
The congregation disbanded in 1905.