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Karl (Schönchen-2)*

Joseph Karl and his wife Maria arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 15 September 1766 aboard a ship under the command of Skipper Hans Karholm.

Joseph Carl is recorded on a list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.

Joseph Karl, a merchant (Kaufmann), and his wife Friederika are recorded on an appendix to the 1767 census of Katharinenstadt in Household No. 24.

In 1774, Joseph Karl and his family moved from Schönchen to Moscow.

The 1767 census records that Joseph Karl came from the German region of Hamburg.

Meier (Katharinenstadt-3)

Jakob Meier and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Katharinenstadt in Household No. Ka149.

A note on the 1798 census records that Jakob Meier came to Russia by himself from the city of Rostok in the duchy of Mecklenburg. He lived in various Russian cities and finally in 1797 came to Katharinenstadt where he married his current wife. He wishes to stay in the colony of Katharinenstadt. Jakob Meier is a cooper and his stepsons are turners who also wish to remain in Katharinenstadt and continue their profession.

Blumental, Rostov Oblast

This Blumental was located in the Don Region. Its coordinates are estimated and based on where Karl Stumpp placed the colony along the Sukhaya Chuburka River.

Volga German colonists were living there in the mid-1800s.

Today, nothing remains of this village.

Fischer, Jacob

Jakob Fischer was born 14 August 1955 in Konstantinovka (today, Tobolino) in Kazakhstan. Today he lives in Nördlingen, Germany.

Fischer is an expert on the culture and folk songs of Germans in the former Soviet Union. He is the editor of a songbook of German folk songs from Russia. Together with musicians Vladimir Dederer and Eduard Frikel and singers Katarina Riessling, Maria Penner-Weimer, Lina Neuwirth, and Ida Haag-Depperschmidt, he released three music albums with Russian-German folk songs.