Medicine Lodge, Barber Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities: 
Medicine Lodge, Barber Co., Kansas
Sharon, Barber Co., Kansas

The Medicine Lodge River received its name from a lodge-like structure erected by the Kiowa people in the summer of 1866. It was located in the valley of the Medicine Lodge River, several miles below the present town of Medicine Lodge, which is at the mouth of Elm Creek.

Volga German families settled in and arround Medicine Lodge.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families settled in and around Medicine Lodge, Kansas:

DeWald from Hussenbach
Dreiling from Herzog
Hammerschmidt from Herzog
Jacobs from Pfeifer
Koerner from Katharinenstadt
Schmidt from Katharinenstadt

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 51.493560
Longitude: 8.434903
Latitude: 49.960278
Longitude: 9.772222