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38.917222, -97.21388
38.461111, -100.31
38.466667, -99.55
39.015556, -96.289167
38.783901, -99.392606
37.065278, -97.039722
38.640278, -100.0461
37.186667, -99.76916
39.5625, -95.128333
37.242222, -98.2275
39.808889, -101.0413
38.433333, -99.683333
39.823611, -97.630278
39.462778, -98.109444
39.033056, -97.593056
38.516667, -99.183333
38.193333, -99.52638
38.750833, -95.835833
38.194444, -95.74555
38.511944, -98.395
38.818333, -95.69166
38.038611, -96.638333
38.916667, -99.216667
37.676944, -95.456389
37.808333, -100.3475
38.525, -98.533611
39.392222, -101.0475
37.269444, -99.326111
39.033333, -100.116667
39.569167, -97.65833
37.540278, -100.630278
39.011902, -98.484247
38.660556, -96.489722
37.645833, -98.432222
37.286667, -97.89277
37.981944, -101.1347
38.481389, -100.465
37.759722, -100.0183
38.833333, -98.583333
38.483333, -97.216667
37.821111, -96.85833
38.054747, -97.12777
37.003056, -101.898056
38.356111, -98.58083
38.938066, -99.560667
38.716667, -98.216667
38.958611, -99.132222
38.403889, -96.18166
38.858611, -96.1075
37.822778, -96.289444
39.294444, -96.44055
37.835278, -94.701944
37.533889, -95.826667
38.633333, -98.95
37.975278, -100.8641
38.076389, -99.245
37.510278, -94.84416
38.866667, -99.016667
39.113619, -100.465139
38.364457, -98.764807
37.602778, -99.2925
38.099444, -95.88444
39.116667, -100.616667
39.856389, -97.302778
39.890833, -96.875278
37.285278, -98.026667
37.902222, -97.78083
38.866667, -99.316667
38.6, -100.617222
38.671119, -96.942514
38.138333, -97.431389
39.8525, -95.536389
39.366667, -99.833333
38.516667, -98.766667
37.983889, -100.986111
38.5875, -98.411944
39.663889, -95.528056
39.354444, -100.44
37.176389, -101.345556
37.810833, -95.4375
38.060833, -97.92972
38.991993, -99.390594
37.924444, -95.4
39.248611, -95.705278
38.084167, -99.89611
39.868611, -98.30416
37.569722, -101.752778
37.646944, -98.113889
37.922222, -99.41166
38.516667, -99.3
38.346944, -94.762222
37.940278, -101.2586
38.182222, -99.10166
38.971667, -95.23527
39.810556, -98.556111
38.366667, -97.3
38.483333, -101.35
39.581667, -100.4611
37.043333, -100.928
38.654579, -99.318901
39.040833, -98.144722
38.573611, -97.67444
39.680278, -97.085556
39.662222, -99.571111
39.011902, -98.484247
39.05, -98.533333
39.1, -98.683333
38.345, -98.2025
39.191667, -96.59166
38.487713, -101.212955
38.348233, -97.011963
38.583333, -99.566667
38.371944, -97.66222
37.286111, -100.339167
37.283333, -98.566667
38.71194, -98.91194
39.124722, -97.70527
37.441389, -100.014444
39.104452, -101.007096
39.348889, -100.0747
38.811111, -99.264444
37.433333, -98.416667
39.189167, -99.024722
38.473611, -99.44194
37.423611, -95.681111
38.046667, -97.345
39.833333, -99.89083
37.457778, -97.847222
39.116667, -100.85
39.821111, -100.528333
37.891111, -99.55972
38.989642, -99.732796
38.5, -98.933333
39.489444, -96.168889
38.634167, -95.826667
38.501667, -94.950833
39.440556, -98.69722
37.167778, -95.10944
38.533333, -99.05
38.611944, -95.266389
38.78, -95.557222
39.233201, -95.465709
39.115556, -98.9175
39.112222, -100.3605
37.339167, -95.269722
38.265603, -98.981979
38.166667, -97.1
39.075556, -95.391944
39.755278, -99.322222
37.25, -100.583333
39.232222, -99.30305
38.176389, -94.711944
37.650278, -98.73805
39.05, -100.233333
38.583333, -97.05
38.633333, -99.916667
39.057778, -94.61972
39.136667, -95.951389
38.195833, -99.4025
38.465, -99.310833
38.883333, -98.85
39.903056, -95.799444
38.840281, -97.611424
37.436667, -100.9875
38.713346, -99.332326
39.011902, -98.484247
38.4825, -100.907222
39.3375, -100.595
39.835556, -96.066111
39.016667, -99.433333
38.894221, -101.751763
37.175, -99.651389
39.778611, -98.785278
37.848889, -99.75527
39.316667, -100.15
37.962778, -98.601111
38.210556, -98.204444
39.436389, -99.27166
37.479722, -100.845
37.267222, -97.4
38.633333, -98.766667
37.983056, -101.7511
38.547231, -97.153077
38.472778, -99.1775
39.05, -95.683333
38.466667, -101.75
37.386944, -97.117778
37.58, -101.3575
38.642778, -100.1688
39.283333, -99.183333
39.025008, -99.879566
38.867234, -99.075927
38.912556, -101.592431
39.204167, -96.30833
38.394722, -95.602222
37.688889, -97.33611
38.816667, -98.466667
37.239722, -96.99555
39.061667, -101.245
38.796111, -96.95861
38.907233, -99.423996


An large group of Volga Germans arrived in Topeka on 28 November 1875. They were from the colonies of Herzog, Katharinenstadt, Liebental, Beauregard, Ober-Monjou, Neu-Obermonjou, Mariental, Louis, Marienberg, and Graf.  Within a few months, hundreds of Volga German families arrived in Kansas, and today there are Volga German descendants in most towns and cities across the state.


- Transcript of The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, 1926.
- Online Exhibits - From Far Away Russia: Russian-Germans in Kansas (Kansas State Historical Society)
- Volga German Immigrants: A Kansas Portrait (Kansas State Historical Society)