Moses Lake / Ephrata, Grant Co., Washington

Includes the following communities: 
Moses Lake, Grant Co., Washington
Ephrata, Grant Co., Washington

Moses Lake was originally called Neppel after the German town from which many of the early settlers had immigrated.  In 1938, it was renamed in honor of Chief Moses of the Sinkiuse tribe.  Many Volga Germans have settled in Moses Lake, Washington.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families are known to have lived in and around Moses Lake:

Berschauer from Kratzke
Deines from Kratzke
Kissler from Frank
Leinweber from Yagodnaya Polyana
Naab from Kamenka
Rosenow from Kolb
Schaffer from Frank
Schell from Sewald
Schmunk from Galka


- Moses Lake, Washington (Wikipedia)

Map showing the location of Moses Lake in Grant County, Washington.
Source: Wikipedia.

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 49.750000
Longitude: 8.833330
Latitude: 50.338502
Longitude: 8.254690
Latitude: 50.592778
Longitude: 8.856389
Latitude: 50.648611
Longitude: 9.181667
Latitude: 50.502003
Longitude: 9.387028