Includes the following communities
Colônia do Lago
Colônia Nossa Senhora do Lago
Colônia do Lago was founded in 1878. It is located in the municipality (district) of Palmeiro in the state of Paraná. It was settled by Volga German Catholics.
Johannes & Anna Maria Schmidt and their family from Graf were among the founders of Colônia do Lago. They later moved to Johannisdorf in 1880.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families are known to have settled in Colônia Lago:
Auer from Rohleder
Haas / Hass
Paul / Pauhl
Schamne from Graf
Schmidt from Graf
Schneider from Rosenheim
Wendler from Ober-Monjou
Volga Colonies
- Schwab, Carlos Alberto. Resumo Histórico e Genealogia dos Alemães do Volga. Ponta Grossa, Brazil: C.A. Schwab, 1997.
-25.351667, -50.0422
Volga Colonies
51.666333, 46.4755
51.510167, 46.631167
51.736667, 46.8445
51.4845, 46.664833
Migrated From
50.079444, 12.370556
48.4, 9.983333
49.249888, 7.429044