Dewald (Hussenbach)

Spelling Variations: 
Dewald (Hussenbach)
DeWald (Hussenbach)
De Wald (Hussenbach)
Девальдъ (Hussenbach)
Settled in the Following Colonies: 
Discussion & Documentation: 

Killian Dewald, a baker (Bäcker), his wife Anna Maria Laufer, and children (Anna Elisabeth, age 14; Samuel, age 13; Marilis, age 12; Georg Heinrich, age 11; Christian, age 10; Maria, age 8; Johann Peter, age 6) immigrated to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) and are recorded in Altona in April 1761. They settled in the Danish colony of Friderichsholm on 8 August 1761.

The marriage of widower Kilian Dewald to Anna Maria née Betel is recorded in the parish register of St. Michael's Church in the Danish city of Schleswig on 14 June 1761.

While in Friderichsholm, daughter Anna Margaretha was born on 3 March 1762.

There is a note on the Friderichsholm Family Register recording Killian Dewald as the stepfather of several children. Further entries record Anna Elisabeth, Samuel, and Georg Heinrich with the surname Dewald, except for reference to "stepdaughter" Anna Maria [Maria Elisabeth?] Retlem who is confirmed along with Samuel & Georg Heinrich Dewald in 1763.

The Dewald family is last recorded among the Danish colonies on 17 May 1763.

They joined the migration to Russia. Killian Dewald, his wife Anna Maria, and children (Elisabeth, age 20; Samuel, age 18; Maria Elisabeth, age 18; Heinrich, age 17; Christian, age 15; Peter, age 12; Sophia, age 3) arrived from Danzig at the port of Oranienbaum on 4 May 1766 aboard a ship under the command of Skipper Jacob Janson.

The Dewald family settled in the Volga German colony of Hussenbach where another son Johann Michael was born in about 1767.

Elisabeth Propp née Dewald and her family are recorded on the 1798 census of Hussenbach in Household No. Hs011.

Samuel Dewald and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Hussenbach in Household No. Hs047.

The widow and children of Heinrich Dewald are recorded on the 1798 census of Hussenbach in Household No. Hs042.

Johann Michael Dewald and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Hussenbach in Household No. Hs135. His mother (Eleonora, age 66) is recorded there as well indicating that Killian Dewald's wife Anna Maria née Laufer must have died shortly after arrival in Russia.

There is a Dorothea Dewald, perhaps the widow of Christian Dewald, recorded on the 1798 census of Frank in Household No. Fk043.

The Eichhorns record that Kilian Dewald came from the German region of Kurpfalz, but that he had been living in the region of Brandenburg before going to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein). The Oranienbaum passenger list records that Killian Dewald came from the German region of the Pfalz.

The Eichhorns also record that Mattias Laufer, brother of Anna Maria Laufer, who was born in the Pfalz also accompanied them to Brandenburg and then to Denmark.


- Eichhorn, Alexander, Jacob & Mary Eichhorn. The Immigration of German Colonists to Denmark and Their Subsequent Emigration to Russia in the Years 1759-1766 (Deiningen, Germany: Drukerei und Verlag Steinmeier GmbH & Co. Kg, 2012): B-264, B-953.
- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Fk043, Hs011, Hs042, Hs047, Hs135.
- Parish register of Rendsburg [Denmark].
- Parish register of St. Michael's Church in Schleswig.
- Pleve, Igor. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg (Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2010): #56.

Contributor(s) to this page: 

Brent Mai

Susan Hopp Nakaji

Wayne Bonner

Andreas Zänker

Registration of Kilian Dewalt and his family in Altona in April 1761, identifying the children as "stepchildren".
Source: Andreas Zänker.

Entry from the parish register in Rendsburg recording the confirmation of the sons of Killian Dewald (Samuel & Gert [Georg] Heinrich Dewald) and his stepdaughter Anna Maria Retlem.
Source: Andreas Zänker.

Killian Dewald recorded on a marker in Schleswig commemorating the Volga Germans who had settled there before immigrating to Russia.
Source: Jorgelina Fischer.

Volga Colonies

Immigration Locations