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Medford, Jackson Co., Oregon

Includes the following communities
Medford, Jackson Co., Oregon
Eagle Point, Jackson Co., Oregon
Talent, Jackson Co., Oregon

Volga German families settled in and around Medford, Oregon.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Medford, Oregon:

Ballinger from Herzog
Becker from Kolb
Burgdorf from Stahl am Tarlyk
DeWald from Hussenbach
Dreiling from Herzog
Fritz from Friedenfeld
Glantz from Norka
Laubhan from Shcherbakovka
Rodau from Stahl am Tarlyk
Ruby from Jost
Steinbrecher from Dönhof
Zier from Dietel

42.331944, -122.861944

Volga Colonies

51.119721, 45.935007
51.119721, 45.935007
50.489167, 45.687167
51.165, 45.313333
51.046333, 46.045167
51.005833, 45.466667
51.067667, 44.958333
50.886667, 44.83
50.898333, 45.17
51.494167, 46.710333
50.783167, 47.044