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Waldschmidt (Keller / Ober-Monjou)

Spelling Variations
Waldschmidt (Keller / Ober-Monjou)
Вальдшмитъ (Keller / Ober-Monjou)
Settled in the Following Colonies
Discussion & Documentation

Johann Wilhelm Waldschmid, son of Heinrich Waldschmid from Hasselbach, married on 21 February 1730 in Oberreifenberg to Anna Magdalena Beltz, daughter of Johann Anton Beltz.

The baptisms of the following children born in Hasselbach to Johann Wilhelm Waldschmid & Anna Magdalena Beltz are recorded in the parish register of Oberreifenberg: (1) Johann Michael, baptized on 8 July 1731; (2) Johann Ludwig, baptized 21 October 1734; (3) Maria Eva, baptized 22 June 1741; and (4) & (5) Johann Wilhelm & Maria Ursula, baptized 26 September 1742. The two oldest sons and the youngest daughter migrated to the German colonies along the Volga River.

(1) Johannes Michael Waldschmidt married on 16 December 1751 in Oberreifenberg to Anna Maria Usinger, daughter of Johann Georg & Anna Elisabeth Usinger.

Record of the baptisms of the following children born to Johann Michael Waldschmidt & Anna Maria Usinger have been located in the parish register of Oberreifenberg: (1) Maria Elisabeth, baptized 19 September 1753; (2) Johann Georg, baptized 13 February 1756; (3) Johannes, baptized 20 May 1760; (4) Christian, born 8 May 1762, baptized 9 May 1762.

Johann [Michael] Waldschmidt, a hosier (Strumpfwirker), his wife Anna, children (Johann, age 11; Johannes, age 6; Christian, age 4), and his sister Ursula (age 16) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 September 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Michael Waldschmidt, his wife Anna Maria, children (Johann Georg, age 11, Elisabeth, age 2-days, died en route), and sister Ursula (age 16) are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Oranienbaum in 1767.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Ober-Monjou on 23 July 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 80.

Widower Michael Waldschmidt, his son Sebastian, and Sebastian's family are recorded on the 1798 census of Ober-Monjou in Household No. Om65.

The 1767 census records that Johann Michael Waldschmidt came from the German village of Resfenberg [sic] in the region of Bassenheim.

(2) The baptism of the following daughter born to Ludwig & Clara Waldschmidt is recorded in the parish register of Oberreifenberg: (1) Anna Margaretha, born & baptized on 3 January 1764.

Ludwig Waldschmidt, a hosier (Strumpfwirker), his wife Clara, and children (Johann, age 8; Konrad, age 7; Anna, age 3) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 18 June 1766 aboard the hooker Anna Catharina under the command of Skipper Adolph Scharpenberg.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Keller on 12 May 1767. Widower Ludwig Waldschmidt (whose wife had died on 1 November 1767) and his children (Johann Georg, age 10; Konrad, age 8; Maria Margaretha, age 1) are recorded there on the 1767 census of Keller in Household No. 68.

Following the destruction of Keller, the Waldschmidt family resettled to the colony of Neu-Kolonie where they are recorded on the 1798 census in Household No. Nk43.

The 1767 census records that Ludwig Waldschmidt came from the German village of Reifenberg in the region of Bassenheim.

(3) [Maria] Ursula Waldschmidt (age 16) with her brother Johann [Michael] Waldschmidt and his family arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 September 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Ursula Waldschmidt (age 16) with her brother Michael Waldschmidt and his family are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Oranienbaum in 1767.

Ursula Kaiser née Waldschmidt is recorded on the 1798 census of Luzern in Household No. Lz31 along with her children [with the surname of Begler]. See Begler Family.


- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Lz31, Nk43, Om65.
- Parish register of Oberreifenberg.
- Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet 1764-1767 Band 2 (Göttingen: Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 2001): 356.
- Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet, 1764-1767 Band 3 (Göttingen: Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 2005): 307.
- Pleve, Igor. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg (Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2010): #849, #5429.
- Rauschenbach, Georg. Deutsche Kolonisten auf dem Weg von St. Petersburg nach Saratow: Transportlisten von 1766-1767 (Moscow: G.V. Rauschenbach, 2017): #6955-6959.

Contributor(s) to this page

Brent Mai

Anastasia Berdakov

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

50.733333, 45.766667
51.736667, 46.8445
50.816667, 46.133333
51.283333, 47.016667

Immigration Locations

39.025008, -99.879566
38.654579, -99.318901
38.713346, -99.332326
38.866667, -99.316667
38.938066, -99.560667
30.267222, -97.74305
41.139444, -102.9783
37.688889, -97.33611
39.15887, -108.728988
39.392222, -101.0475
48.472081, -122.328247
39.05, -95.683333
39.112222, -100.3605
38.840281, -97.611424
37.676944, -95.456389
38.364457, -98.764807
38.989642, -99.732796
40.397761, -105.07498
37.975278, -100.8641
38.883333, -98.85
38.866667, -99.016667
49.260833, -123.1138
49.888056, -119.495556
51.090278, -121.591111
49.701667, -123.158889