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Ellis, Ellis Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities
Ellis, Ellis Co., Kansas

The community of Ellis was established in 1867 as a water station on the Kansas Pacific Railway. From 1876-1878, a large number of Volga Germans immigrated to Ellis County, and over the years moved from the farms into the town of Ellis.

Among the early Volga German families to settled in and near Ellis were:

John Pfeifer
George Wiesner
Michael Jacobs
John Dreher
Andreas Weigel
Michael Weigel
Peter Weigel
John Weigel

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Ellis, Kansas:

Amrein from Pfeifer
Arnhold from Beauregard
Basgall from Rothammel
Begler from Katharinenstadt
Bieker from Ober-Monjou
Billinger from Herzog
Bittel from Wittmann
Bollig from Louis
Boos from Ober-Monjou
Brack from Pobochnaya
Breit from Pfeifer
Dechant from Ober-Monjou
Denning from Herzog
Dietz from Kratzke
Dinkel from Herzog
Ditter from Frank
Dorzweiler from Katharinenstadt
Dreher from Neu-Ober-Monjou
Dreiling from Herzog
Engel from Ober-Monjou
Ernst from Moor
Kohl from Ober-Monjou
Geist from Ober-Monjou
Gerstner from Mariental
Graff from Neu-Ober-Monjou
Haas from Wittmann
Heili from Graf
Herl from Wittmann
Heroneme from Mariental
Kinderknecht from Mariental
Knoll from Herzog
Koerner from Katharinenstadt
Korbe from Mariental
Lambrecht from Pfeifer
Lauber from Graf
Leiker from Ober-Monjou
Luea from Zug
Meis from Katharinenstadt
Milberger from Eckheim
Niernberger from Ober-Monjou
Paul from Mariental
Pfannenstiel from Ober-Monjou
Pfeifer from Herzog & Pfeifer
Romey from Herzog
Sanders from Herzog
Sauer from Zug
Schmidt from Katharinenstadt
Schreivogel from Wittmann
Schumacher from Wittmann
Seitz from Mariental
Staab from Katharinenstadt
Stadler from Kamenka
Storm from Herzog
Urban from Kamenka
von Feldt
Waldschmidt from Ober-Monjou
Walters from Katharinenstadt
Wegele from Neu-Laub
Weigel from Herzog
Werth from Schönchen
Wiesner from Kamenka
Windholz from Herzog
Wolf from Neu-Ober-Monjou
Younger / Younker from Herzog
Zerfas from Mariental
Zimmerman from Ober-Monjou

Notable Individuals

- Larson, Rosemary Wiesner. St. Mary's Church, 1986: Centennial Celebration, Ellis, Kansas.


- Ellis Cemetery (
- Mount Hope Cemetery (
- Saint John Cemetery (
- Saint Mary's Cemetery (

Volga German Women in Ellis.
Front row: Agnes Schüler Karlin, Marcia Beilman Karlin, and Anna Staab Karlin.
Back row: Dorothea Schütz Karlin and Anna Meier Karlin.
[Posted with permission. - Kansas State Historical Society.
Copy and Reuse Restrictions Apply.]

38.938066, -99.560667

Volga Colonies

50.877, 45.227333
51.890064, 47.156874
51.8565, 47.059333
51.379167, 46.85
51.736667, 46.8445
51.442, 46.739333
51.863333, 47.093667
51.9125, 45.617333
50.64, 45.395
50.856917, 45.111667
51.494167, 46.710333
51.691343, 46.723051
51.4845, 46.664833
51.083333, 44.816667
51.712816, 46.740787
50.693333, 45.424667
51.283333, 47.016667
50.969667, 45.698333
51.2, 46.65
50.783333, 46.898167

Migrated From

50.748889, 10.812222
48.991111, 12.034722
50.332778, 8.720278
49.232778, 11.671944
49.016667, 12.083333
55.676111, 12.568333