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General Alvear Colonies, Entre Ríos Province

On 5 January 1878, a group of approximately 1,000 Volga Germans arrived in Buenos Aires aboard the SS Salier and the SS Montevideo. They were intending to settle in Brazil, and sent a representative there to check out the situation. The Argentine government wanted the immigrants to settle in Argentina and intervened to prevent them from moving on to Brazil. The colonists spent two months living in the "Hotel of Immigrants" in Buenos Aires while negotiations continued.

Diamante, Departamento Diamante, Entre Ríos Province

The town of Diamante was founded 27 February 1836. There are many nationalities represented in the city. Over the years, many Volga German families from the rural areas of Entre Ríos moved to Diamante, many settling in nearby Strobel.

The current rectory was the first church of Diamante, built in 1850. It is named in honor of St. Cyprian. The current building was constructed in 1890 and is dedicated to the Virgen de la Merced.