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San Miguel Arcángel, Adolfo Alsina Partido, Buenos Aires Province

San Miguel Arcángel was founded by 15 Volga German families in the Adolfo Alsina Partido of Buenos Aires Province on 29 September 1903. The neighboring area of Esteban Agustín Gascón was officially founded when the railroad station was established there on 15 April 1907 and the families living in the surrounding rural areas there often combined the two names into San Miguel de Gazcón. Volga German families continued to move into the area from other locations in Argentina.       

San Miguel Arcángel was founded the following men and their families:

San Miguel, Olavarría Partido, Buenos Aires Province

The 15 families who founded San Miguel came from the Volga German colony of Dehler on the Wiesenseite. They arrived in Argentina aboard the SS Hohenstadt in February 1878 and settled first in Colonia Hinojo. Also aboard this ship were those who eventually established the colony of Nievas. After 3 years, these families acquired property from Peter (Pedro) Kessler in a place called San Jacinto.

San José, Partido de Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires Province

San José was founded on 13 April 1887 and is known today as "Pueblo San José" and is located in the Coronel Suárez Partido (Department) of Buenos Aires Province. This colony was originally named Dehler by the first Volga German settlers in reference to the colony from which they had immigrated. Other settlers also came from Volmer.       

San José was founded by the following 15 men and their families:

Santa Rosa, Puán Partido, Buenos Aires Province

In 1895, a group of Volga German colonists bought 3,000 hectares in the Puán Partido (Section) of Buenos Aires Province, and in 1902, the colony was Santa Rosa was officially founded. According to the municipal record of deeds, the first land owners were:

Joseph (José) Gottau
Lorenz (Lorenzo) Sieben
Georg (Jorge) Meier
Martin (Martín) Sieben
Andreas (Andrés) Bender
Joseph (José) Distel
Joseph (José) Walter (son)
Katharina Barbara (Catalina Bárbara) Giperdinger