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Coulin, Felix

The Rev. Felix Coulin was born 19 November 1879 in Libau and died 8 October 1963 in Kiel. He was ordained on 6 February 1905 in Moscow and served the congregations in Saratov (1905-1906), Yagodnaya Polyana (1906-1908), and Tsarizin (1908-1913).

Cornet, Franziskus

Father Cornet (sometimes spelled Korne) was born 29 March 1768 in Limal, Belgium, and died 4 April 1844 in Tarnapol. He was a member of the Order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) and was ordained 12 Jun 1805.He served the Schönchen Parish from 25 February 1806 to 5 October 1807 and the Kamenka Parish from 8 December 1807 to 10 February 1810. During this time he also served the Mariental Parish from 22 June 1808 to 8 August 1808. On 2? February 1810 he began his service to the Rohleder Parish where he remained until September 1820.

Cattaneo, Lukas

Lukas Cattaneo, son of Pastor Johann Baptist Cattaneo, was born in Norka on 30 October 1787 and died there 21 December 1828 from tuberculosis.

He served the parishes in Astrakhan (1808-1810), Norka (1817-1821), and Beideck (1821-1828).

Cattaneo, Johann Baptist

The Rev. Johann Baptist Cattaneo (sometimes spelled Cattani) was born in Lavin, Gaubünden, Switzerland, on 27 June 1746 and died in Norka on 16 January 1831. He married in Fläsch, Graubünden, Switzerland, to Barbara Johanna Thomas, daughter of Johannes Thomas and Magdalena Steiner, in 1768. She was born in Lavin, Graubünden, Switzerland, 17 April 1752 and died in Sarepta on 4 December 1808. He studied at the theological school in Zürich, Switzerland, and was ordained on 26 June 1766 in Susch in the Unterengadin Valley, Switzerland, and served in Fläsch from 1767 to 1771.

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great, officially Catherine II of Russia, is an instrumental figure in the history of the Volga Germans.  Born on 21 April 1729 in the German town of Stettin (then part of Pomeranian Prussia), Catherine's birth name was Sophie Friederike Auguste of Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg.  She came to the Russian throne through an arranged marriage to Tsar Peter III.  She and her supporters overthrew her husband, and she became the Tsarina on 9 July 1762. She ruled until her death on 17 November 1796.

Caffasso, Joseph

Father Caffasso was born 29 December 1776 in Castelnuovo, Italy. He was a member of the Order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order). He was ordained on 12 June 1805.

He served the parish of Rohleder from 28 September 1807 to 11 October 1808. He served the parish of Schönchen from 1808 to 1814.