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Manz (Frank)

Johann Heinrich Manz, son of Johann Caspar Mans & Barbara Schüssler, was born 11 May 1735 in Bodenhof, a village that is part of the Gersfeld Parish. He married Anna Katharina Hochgraber.

The Manz family arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 14 September 1766 aboard a ship under the comand of skipper Reders.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Frank on 1 September 1767. They and their 2 children are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 107.       

By the 1798 Census, they are living in Kolb.


Johann Adolph Manweiler, son of Hans Manweiler, was baptized 5 August 1703 in Finkenbach-Gersweiler, northwest of Mannheim. He married on 25 April 1726 in nearby Meisenheim to Maria Elisabeth Schliechel. Among their children are (all baptized in Meisenheim): (1) Philipp, baptized 17 August 1732; (2) Johann Adam, baptized 5 July 1743; and (3) Maria Amelia, baptized 12 July 1746.


Gottfried Maaser, son of Johann Nicolaus Maser & Anna Maria Trinkaus, was born on 23 November 1742 in Lengfeld, today part of the village of Otzberg, east of Darmstadt. He married Anna Eva Lutz who had also been born in Lengfeld on 20 January 1742.

They immigrated to Russia arriving from Lübeck at the port in Oranienbaum on 8 August 1766 aboard a ship under the command of skipper Johann Gottfried Seelender.       


Johann Georg Major was born in about 1734 in Beienheim, northeast of Friedberg, in Hessen (Germany) to Johann Martin Major (born about 1680; died 13 January 1744) & Anna Dorothea Majer (born 7 October 1692; died 24 Nov 1766), both of Beienheim. He married there on 20 March 1766 to Anna Margaretha Frank. They immigrated to Russia, and settled in the colony of Grimm where they are recorded in Household No. 72 on the 1767 Census along with their two-month-old son Georg Konrad.

Georg Major and his family are recorded on the 1775 census of Grimm in Household No. 146.

Mai / Maÿ (Holstein)

Hanß Peter Maÿ, son of Leonhard Maÿ & Anna Maria Richter, was baptized 12 April 1642 in Reinheim. He married 20 April 1669 in Spachbrücken to Anna Dietrich, daughter of Georg Dietrich & Gertraut Kipp. She had been baptized 20 February 1648 in Groß-Zimmern.

Hanß Peter Maÿ & Anna Dietrich had a number of children including:

(1) Johann Nicolaus Maÿ, born 16 October 1683 in Spachbrücken. He married 28 November 1713 in Spachbrücken to Anna Maria Göckel, daughter of Adam Göckel & Anna Maria Kaufmann. She had been born 4 March 1692 in Spachbrücken.

Magel (Balzer)

Heinrich Magel, son of Johann Georg Magel & Anna Maria Jacobi, was baptized on 22 December 1734 in the village of Düdelsheim. He was married there on 26 May 1761 to Anna Cunigunda Stopfel, daughter of Conrad & Anna Elisabetha Stopfel from Stammheim. She had been baptized 12 February 1736 in Stammheim.

The baptisms of several children born to Heinrich Magel & Anna Cunigunda Stopfel are recorded in the parish register of Düdelsheim: (1) Susanna Catharina, baptized 26 August 1761; (2) Johannes, baptized 13 October 1763; and (3) Anna Elisabetha, baptized 31 October 1765.

Machleit (Kind)

A couple of descendants of Johannes Machlaid of Zwingenberg were among the Volga German colonists.

Johannes Machlaid, son of Hanß, was buried on 24 July 1727 in Zwingenberg (died at the age of 75 years minus 9 weeks). He married 1 February 1681 to Anna Veronica Wenck, daughter of Johann Philipp Wenck & Magdalena Maier. She had been baptized 15 August 1665 in Zwingenberg.

Lutz (Balzer)

Johannes Lutz married 15 March 1730 in Aulendiebach to Anna Elisabetha König, daughter of Henrich König. She had been baptized in Aulendiebach on 17 February 1704.

The baptism of Conrad Lutz, son of Johannes Lutz & Anna Elisabeth König, on 29 July 1733 is recorded in the parish register of Aulendiebach.

Conrad Lutz married in Aulendiebach on 23 May 1755 to Anna Catharina Hart, daughter of Johann Heinrich & Anna Maria Hart. She had been baptized in Wolf on 30 September 1731.

Lust (Yagodnaya Polyana)

Johann Philipp Lust, son of Johann Leonhard & Anna Margaretha Lust, was born on 23 November 1726 and baptized on 26 November 1726 in Höchst. He married there on 28 April 1761 to Susanna Catharina Hallstein, daughter of Johannes Leonhard & Anna Barbara Hallstein and widow of Johann Nikolaus Lufft. Susanna brought into the marriage six Lufft children. Susanna and Philipp Lust had two children, both baptized in Höchst: (1) Johann Balthasar (born 5 January 1762, baptized 7 January 1762) and Johann Nikolaus (born 21 January 1764, baptized 22 January 1764).

Luft (Yagodnaya Polyana)

Johann Nikolaus Lufft, son of Johann Georg Lufft, married in Höchst im Odenwald on 26 September 1747 to Susanna Catharina Hallstein, daughter of Johannes Leonhard & Anna Barbara Hallstein. Susanna was born on 26 September 1713 and baptized on 29 September 1713 in Höchst.