Feldbusch (Krasnoyar)

Spelling Variations: 
Feldbusch (Krasnoyar)
Veldbusch (Krasnoyar)
Фельдбушъ (Krasnoyar)
Settled in the Following Colonies: 
Discussion & Documentation: 

Johann Heinrich Feldbusch, son of Johannes Feldbusch (born 19 January 1699; died 4 December 1751) & Anna Catharine (born 1708; died 19 May 1768), was born in February 1732. He married on 27 March 1759 to Magdalena Luisa Fuchs, daughter of Johann Georg & Anna Helena Fuchs. Their marriage is recorded in the parish register of Londorf.

They had at least the following children, each born in Kesselbach and baptized in neighboring Rüddingshausen: (1) Johann Peter, born 19 January 1760; baptized 21 January 1760; (2) Anna Catharina, born 6 July 1761, baptized 7 July 1761; (3) Maria Dorothea, born 27 February 1763, baptized 28 February 1763; (4) Eva Elisabeth, born 16 January 1765, baptized 17 January 1765; and (5) Anna Margaretha, born 11 December 1765, baptized 13 December 1765.

Johann [Heinrich] Feldbusch, a farmer, his wife Magdalena, children (Peter, age 7; Katharina, age 5; Anna, age ¾), and mother-in-law Helena [Fuchs] arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 22 July 1766 aboard the pink Lev under the command of Lieutenant Fyodor Dyodorov.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Krasnoyar on 20 July 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 113.

In 1797, Nikolaus Feldbusch moved from Krasnoyar to Hummel.

The 1767 census records that Johann Heinrich Feldbusch came from the German district of Gießen in the Darmstadt region.


- Mai, Brent Alan. 1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga: Economy, Population, and Agriculture (Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1999): Hm07, Ks004, Mv1408.
- Parish registers of Londorf & Rüddingshausen.
- Pleve, Igor. Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet, 1764-1767 Band 2 (Göttingen: Der Göttinger Arbeitskreis, 2001): 446.
- Pleve, Igor. Lists of Colonists to Russia in 1766: Reports by Ivan Kulberg (Saratov: Saratov State Technical University, 2010): #2423.

Contributor(s) to this page: 

Irina Aul

Ilya Mauter

Brent Mai

Related People: 

Entry from the parish register of Londorf recording the marriage of Johann Heinrich Feldbusch & Magdalena Luisa Fuchs on 27 March 1759.
Source: Ilya Mauter.

Entry from the parish register of Rüddingshausen recording the birth of Johann Peter Feldbusch on 19 January 1760.
Source: Ilya Mauter.

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Immigration Locations