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Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin

Includes the following communities
Sheboygan, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin
Kohler, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin
Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin
Howards Grove, Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin

Sallet reports that the first Volga German immigrants arrived in Sheboygan in 1892 from the colony of Reinwald. By 1930, there were 550 families living there, among them 230 from Reinwald and 170 from Schäfer.

Most of the earliest Volga German immigrants to Sheboygan worked in the factories of Polarware, Vollrath, Garton Toy Company, Hand Knit Hosiery Company, American Chair, Crocker Chair, Northern Furniture, Phoenix Chair, and Dillingham Manufacturing. Many also worked in the nearby village of Kohler for the Kohler Company.

During the spring and summer months, many Volga German families migrated to Racine and Kenosha or even to Michigan and Minnesota to work in the sugar beet fields.

The Sheboygan Press reports in 1942 that between 5,000 and 6,000 Volga Germans were living in Sheboygan.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families are known to have settled in and around Sheboygan, Wisconsin:

Adler from Kolb
Alt from Rosenfeld
Altergott from Schwed
Arnhold from Rosenheim
Arnst from Reinhard
Baechle from Reinwald
Balde from Urbach & Neu-Urbach
Bassler from Schaffhausen
Bathauer from Dobrinka
Bauer from Krasnoyar & Schäfer
Beck from Reinwald
Becker from Dobrinka
Bedel from Hussenbach
Befus from Yagodnaya Polyana
Belke from Reinwald
Bellinder from Köhler
Berens (Bearns) from Enders
Berger from Basel
Bernhardt from Schaffhausen
Bie(h)l from Enders
Boesch from Schulz
Bolgert from Reinhard & Schäfer
Borgar(d)t from Schwed
Brack from Schäfer
Brueck from Laub
Chrispens from Dobrinka
Dahlhaimer from Mariental & Reinwald
Dahmer from Reinwald
Dann from Schwed & Zürich
Deckert from Enders
Dermer from Konstantinovka
Diener from Fresental, Reinhard, & Reinwald
Dietz from Reinhard & Urbach
Dorn from Paulskaya
Dottai from Enders, Reinwald, Schulz, Urbach, & Neu-Urbach
Doering / Dohring / Doring
Dotz from Enders, Huck, Reinwald, & Urbach
Dreiling from Rohleder
Ehler(t) from Rosenheim
Eichinger from Urbach
Eifert from Basel
Eirich from Reinwald
Elsasser from Merkel & Oberdorf
Engel from Reinwald
Engelmann from Dietel & Rosenheim
Engelmann from Weizenfeld
Ernst from Morgentau & Neu-Weimar
Ertel from Reinhard & Schäfer
Feldbusch from Krasnoyar
Felde from Rosenheim
Fellinger from Schäfer
Felsinger from Krasnoyar
Fink from Weizenfeld
Fischer from Reinwald
Fleck / Flick
Fritz from Krasnoyar
Fromm from Fresental
Gaus from Fischer
Gebel / Goebel from Reinhard & Rosenheim
Gessel from Reinwald
Ginter from Frank
Goldmann from Urbach
Gorde / Gorte from Reinwald, Urbach & Weizenfeld
Gorr from Schwed
Gossman from Urbach
Gottfried from Philippsfeld
Graf from Dobrinka
Grafenstein from Zürich
Grassmann from Rosenheim
Greger from Reinhard
Griesman from Krasnoyar
Gross from Schulz
Haa(c)k from Nieder-Monjou
Hanemann from Urbach
Hartmann from Reinwald & Rosenfeld
Henning from Schäfer, Schaffhausen, & Zürich
Hense from Dobrinka & Urbach
Herber from Nieder-Monjou
Her(r)man(n) from Enders, Oberdorf, Schäfer, Stahl am Tarlyk, & Urbach
Herziger from Rosenheim
Herzog from Reinwald & Rosenfeld am Nakhoi
Hicks from Nieder-Monjou
Hidde from Näb
Hilgenberg from Philippsfeld
Hoffmeister from Dreispitz
Holm from Beauregard & Urbach
Holzwart from Gnadendorf, Reinwald, & Rosenfeld
Hopp from Dreispitz & Kraft
Hoppe from Reinwald
Horn from Neu-Laub
Horst from Reinwald & Rosenheim
Hubert from Rosenheim & Schäfer
Hugo from Schaffhausen
Ibe from Reinwald & Urbach
Ihlow from Urbach
Jacobi from Hussenbach & Neu-Laub
Jahnson from Krasnoyar
Jordan from Biberstein
Jorsch from Schäfer
Jurk / Yurk from Reinwald, Schäfer, Urbach, Weizenfeld, & Zürich
Justus from Fischer
Kaiser from Hoffental, Katharinenstadt, Krasnoyar, Reinwald, & Schäfer
Kammerzell from Frank
Karle from Schäfer & Straub
Karver from Reinwald
Keil from Katharinenstadt
Kern from Biberstein
Kimmell from Kraft
Klauser from Dobrinka
Klun(c)k from Schäfer & Urbach
Knatz from Urbach
Knaub / Knop from Schäfer
Kober from Reinwald & Schäfer
Krämer / Kremer from Rosenheim, Weizenfeld, & Zürich
Krauss from Reinwald
Kreis from Zürich
Krum from Kukkus
Krutsch from Laub
Kuntsman(n) from Krasnoyar, Reinhard, & Schulz
Kunz from Reinwald & Zürich
Lang from Kaneau
Lautenschlager from Yagodnaya Polyana
Lederer from Reinwald
Leffin from Schäfer
Le(o)nhardt from Urbach
Lerch from Lilienfeld & Schulz
Loresch from Stahl am Tarlyk
Luft from Yagodnaya Polyana
M(a)ertz from Reinhard & Reinwald
Markgraf from Reinwald
Markstahler from Rosenheim
Markus from Schäfer & Schulz
Martin from Stahl am Tarlyk & Urbach
Massar from Urbach
Matthias from Urbach
Meier from Rosenheim
Meier from Schulz
Menzer from Grimm
Mertz from Reinhard
Miller from Frank
Miller from Reinwald
Miller from Schäfer
Miller from Schulz
Miller from Schwed
Miller from Urbach
Mohr from Hockerberg
Mohr from Urbach
Moritz from Enders
Mueller from Schäfer
Neuwirth from Reinwald
Niesing from Stahl am Tarlyk
O(e)hlberg from Enders
Ostwald from Franzosen
Ottensmann from Reinhard
Petermann from Schäfer
Petersohn from Dinkel
P(f)ister from Urbach
Pinekenstein from Bangert
Pinnecker from Moor & Urbach
Praeger from Stahl am Tarlyk
Radtke from Enders
Rasch from Reinwald
Reimer from Reinwald
Reimer from Urbach
Reinhardt from Reinhard
Reiss from Näb
Repphun from Gnadendorf & Reinwald
Richter from Rosenheim, Schulz, & Urbach
Riedel from Beideck
Roth from Reinwald & Schäfer
Rupp from Ober-Monjou
Ruppel from Reinwald
Rusch from Enders
Sauer / Sauermilch from Enders
Schäfer from Enders
Schäfer from Kaneau
Schäfer from Reinhard
Schäfer from Reinwald
Schäfer from Rosenfeld
Schäfer from Urbach
Schäfer from Zürich
S(c)har(d)t / Shad from Krasnoyar
Scheidel from Urbach
Schindler from Biberstein
Schirmer from Reinwald
Schlegel from Pobochnaya
Schmidt from Laub, Rosental, Schäfer, & Urbach
Schneider from Enders, Huck, Rosenheim, Schulz, Stahl am Tarlyk
Schroeder from Rosenheim
Schultheis from Huck
Schul(t)z from Reinhard
Schwebel from Reinwald
Seidenzahl / Seitenzahl from Urbach
Seng from Enders, Rosenheim, & Zürich
Sessler from Reinwald & Schulz
Sohn from Reinwald
Spanaugel from Urbach
Spannagel from Urbach
Spannagle from Urbach
Spannegle from Urbach
Spindler from Reinhard
Splinter from Schäfer
Steinpreis from Reinwald
Sterkel from Norka
Vorrath from Laub
Wagner from Reinwald & Urbach
Walker from Norka
Walter from Rosenheim
Weber from Grimm & Schulz
Wede from Laub
Wehrwein from Näb, Reinhard, & Reinwald
Weigand from Reinwald
We(i)gel from Schwed
Weimann from Schäfer
Weinberger from Schulz
Welsch from Schäfer
Wiegand from Schwed
Wiegel from Schwed
Wingert from Urbach
Wollendorf / Vollendorf
Zahn from Urbach
Zeitler from Krasnoyar
Zeller from Reinwald & Zürich
Zitzer from Schulz


- "Celebrating 250 Years of Volga German History." Exhibit of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center. (online)
- Dippel, Beth. "Immigrants' Journey from Germany to Russia to Sheboygan." Sheboygan Press (22 July 2016). (online)
- Dippel, Beth. "Volga Settlers Found their Footing in Sheboygan." Sheboygan Press (5 August 2016). (online)
- Ertel, Ronald J. Extract of Volga Germans from the Naturalization Applications of Volga Germans in Sheboygan (1973) (online)
- Ertel, Ronald J. "Germans from Russia Who Settled in Sheboygan Wisconsin Area and Earned their Citizenship." Clues of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (1979, pt.2): 37-48.
- "Patriotic Celebration Is A Big Event For Organization." The Sheboygan (Wisc.) Press (22 June 1942): 10.
- Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlement in the United States (Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974): 55.
- USA Settlement List (Patricia Miller)


- Lutheran Cemetery (FindAGrave)
- Wildwood Cemetery (FindAGrave)

N. Eighth Street (ca.1909), Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Source: Scott Lewandoske

43.750828, -87.71453

Volga Colonies

51.898, 47.175333
51.970333, 45.604
51.442, 46.739333
51.736667, 46.8445
51.564833, 46.503167
51.940833, 47.306667
51.647667, 46.637167
51.187667, 45.7845
51.165, 45.313333
51.56, 46.534333
51.9125, 45.617333
51.624667, 46.521167
51.677616, 46.687243
50.973268, 46.066759
51.661004, 46.788452
51.537482, 46.596419
51.0315, 46.072667
51.536697, 46.55967
51.510167, 46.631167
50.883333, 45.287167
51.6135, 46.499167
51.666333, 46.4755
51.530196, 46.614074
51.788667, 46.967167
51.072833, 45.383833
50.789167, 45.481667
51.906833, 47.2065
50.886667, 44.83
51.933595, 47.27563
51.067667, 44.958333
51.170833, 45.663333
51.025167, 46.093167
50.481667, 45.47
51.669412, 46.772111
50.312471, 45.704846
51.632667, 46.421333
51.682333, 46.606
50.366667, 45.66
51.154833, 45.929833
51.6595, 46.550167
51.083333, 44.816667
50.898333, 45.17
51.090667, 45.950167
50.886333, 45.489333
51.76325, 46.939061
50.5695, 45.3835
51.712816, 46.740787
50.028167, 46.8075
51.216667, 46.758333
50.316667, 45.003333
51.233333, 46.783333
50.933333, 46.966667
50.219, 45.070333
51.271944, 46.948611
50.990667, 47.079333
51.2, 46.65
51.359833, 47.051833
50.969667, 45.698333
50.351957, 46.643032
51.231, 46.800833
51.35, 46.95

Migrated From

50.411667, 9.149444
53.169167, 7.356389
50.668889, 8.873889
50.668889, 8.873889
50.633333, 5.566667
51.379167, 14.46388
51.152778, 14.987222
50.424444, 9.199722
50.424444, 9.199722
50.424444, 9.199722
50.385278, 9.196944
50.385278, 9.196944
50.46062, 7.600962
50.592675, 8.958272
50.286296, 9.111384
50.287156, 8.844207