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Meyer, Johannes

Father Meyer was a member of the Order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order).

He served the parish of Semenovka from 13 March 1803 to 27 September 1807. He served the parish of Schönchen from 6 October 1807 to 20 May 1809. From 1809 to 1820, he served the Catholic parish in Saratov.

Murray, Marilyn Reh

Marilyn Reh Murray grew up in Kansas, and her German-Russian grandparents were from the Volga villages of Beideck and Enders. Marilyn’s career in psychotherapy led her to specialize in intensive therapy in private practice, and she has given seminars on her Murray Method Theory since 1983. Since retiring from private practice in 2004, Marilyn has founded Health Restoration International, Ltd., which provides education and resources for emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual health.

Binedell, Nicholas Arthur

Nicholas Arthur "Nick" Binedell was born 12 May 1953 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. He is the founding director of the Gordon Institute of Business Science at the University of Pretoria in Johannesburg, South Africa. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Washington.

His Volga German ancestors came from the colony of Nieder-Monjou.