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Hahn (Kaneau)

Andreas Hahn, a farmer, his wife Sophia, and daughter Christina (age 16) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 May 1766 aboard the galliot Anna Katharina under the command of Skipper Daniel Geier.

Andreas Hahn, a farmer, and his wife Sophia settled in the Volga German colony of Kaneau on 10 May 1767. They are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 77.

The Oranienbaum passenger list records that Andreas Hahn came from the German region of Altenburg. The 1767 census records that he came from the German village of Willmersdorf.

Grün(e)wald (Kaneau)

In 1786, Georg Grünewald and his family moved from Kaneau to Schaffhausen.

Georg Grünewald from Kaneau and his family (sons: [a] Wilhelm, age 17; [b] Friedrich, age 12; [c] Heinrich, age 4) are recorded on the 1798 census of Schaffhausen in Household No. Sh23.

[a] Johann Wilhelm Grünewald and his family are recorded on the 1834 census of Schaffhausen in Household No. 44.

[b] Friedrich Valentin Grünewald and his family are recorded on the 1834 census of Schaffhausen in Household No. 70.

Freis (Kaneau)

Friedrich Mattias Freis, a cobbler (Schuhmacher), his wife Eva, and children (Christina, age 10; Leonhard, age 8; Kunigunda, age 5) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 May 1766 aboard the galliot Anna Katharina under the command of Skipper Daniel Geier.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Kaneau on 10 May 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 55.

Fischer (Kaneau)

There are two Fischer families recorded on the 1767 census of Kaneau. Their relationship to each other is not recorded, but they are believed to be father and son.

(1) Christian Fischer (age 51), a farmer, his wife Anna, and sons (Johann, age 3½; Adam, age ¾) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 24 July 1766 aboard a barque named Georg under the command of Skipper Adam Bairnsfair.


Peter Filinger, a cobbler (Schuhmacher), his wife Anna, and children (Maria Christina, age 14; Johann, age 12; Johann Heinrich, age 1-month) are recorded on the 1767 census of Kaneau in Household No. 81. They had settled there on 3 August 1767.

The 1767 census records that Peter Filinger came from the German village of Mangen in the Kreutzen region.


Johann Georg Fetter, a farmer, his wife Anna, and children (Sebastian, age 12; Elisabeth, age 6) are recorded on the 1767 census of Kaneau in Household No. 29. They had settled there on 3 August 1767.

The 1767 census records that Johann Georg Fetter came from the German village of Egelsheim.

Fei (Kaneau)*

Jakob Fei, a farmer, his wife Anna, and sons (Anton, age 4; Karl, age 2) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 4 July 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Jacob Fei and his wife Anna are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.

Jakob Fei, a farmer, his wife Anna, and daughter Maria Dorothea (age 2-months) are recorded on the 1767 census of Kaneau in Household No. 39. They had settled there on 3 August 1767.


Georg Fick, a farmer, and his wife Barbara arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 4 July 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Georg Fick and his wife Barbara are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.

Georg Fick, a farmer, and his wife Barbara settled in the Volga German colony of Kaneau on 7 June 1767. They are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 61.

Diehl (Kaneau)

Burghard Diehl, a farmer, his wife Elisabeth, and son Konrad (age 3) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 September 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Berhard Diel [sic], his wife Maria Elisabeth, and son Johann Conrad (age 3) are recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Kaneau on 23 July 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Househld No. 79.