Includes the following communities
Columbus, Platte Co., Nebraska
Platte Center, Platte Co., Nebraska
Shell Creek, Platte Co., Nebraska
Volga German families settled in and around Columbus, Nebraska.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Columbus, Nebraska:
Baustian from Fischer
Ditter from Frank
Graf from Louis
Hopp from Frank
Klug from Köhler
Maul from Schilling
Staab from Katharinenstadt
Wagner from Frank
Younger from Herzog
External Links
- Columbus, Nebraska (Wikipedia)
41.432778, -97.358611
Volga Colonies
Migrated From
51.066667, 11.116667
50.275, 9.371944
50.225916, 9.348606
49.800953, 8.737844
50.5, 8.666667
49.655556, 7.68