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Salinas, Monterey Co., California

Includes the following communities
Salinas, Monterey Co., California
Castroville, Monterey Co., California
Aromas, Monterey Co., California

Volga German families have settled in and around Salinas, California.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Salinas, California:

Behm from Dönhof
Haas from Wittmann
Isheim from Kukkus
Pretzer from Laub
Reifschneider from Langenfeld

36.677778, -121.6555

Volga Colonies

51.890064, 47.156874
51.0315, 46.072667
51.090667, 45.950167
51.005833, 45.466667
50.950667, 47.009667

Migrated From