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Hays, Ellis Co., Kansas

The Volga Germans in Ellis County, Kansas, settled mostly to the east of the city itself beginning in 1876. However, as early as 1878, some families had moved into Hays where Father Anastasius Müller, the first resident priest of St. Joseph Catholic Parish, was living with Andreas Meier.

Goodland, Sherman Co., Kansas

Goodland was founded in 1886 to settle a dispute about what town should be the county seat of Sherman County. It was built along the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad. The town was named after Goodland, Indiana.

Over the decades, Volga German families from other locations in Kansas and Colorado have settled in Goodland.

Emmeram, Ellis Co., Kansas

Emmeram is an unincorporated place in Ellis Co., Kansas. Originally it was called Norddorf, but was changed to Emmeram in honor of Father Emmeram Kausler, the first priest to serve the Catholic settlers living there. A town plot was filed in 1902, but a town never really developed.

There was a parish school in operation from 1912 to 1925. The building was then used as a parish hall. It was razed in 1946 when a new parish hall was constructed.

Ellis, Ellis Co., Kansas

The community of Ellis was established in 1867 as a water station on the Kansas Pacific Railway. From 1876-1878, a large number of Volga Germans immigrated to Ellis County, and over the years moved from the farms into the town of Ellis.

Among the early Volga German families to settled in and near Ellis were:

John Pfeifer
George Wiesner
Michael Jacobs
John Dreher
Andreas Weigel
Michael Weigel
Peter Weigel
John Weigel