Includes the following communities
Ellsworth, Ellsworth Co., Kansas
Kanopolis, Ellsworth Co., Kansas
The city is named for Fort Ellsworth, which had been built in 1864. With the arrival of the railroad, the town earned a roudy reputation.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Ellsworth, Kansas:
Befort from Katharinenstadt
Feil from Dreispitz
Hill from Langenfeld
Katzendorn from Zug
Rohr from Mariental
Schmidt from Pfeifer
Stang from Volmer
Steinle from Dreispitz
Stoppel from Nieder-Monjou
Toepfer from Fischer
Waymaster from Dietel
Weimaster from Dietel
Volga Colonies
External Links
Ellsworth (Wikipedia)
38.716667, -98.216667
Volga Colonies
51.8565, 47.059333
50.732433, 45.443279
51.647667, 46.637167
51.442, 46.739333
50.64, 45.395
51.712816, 46.740787
51.682333, 46.606
50.366667, 45.66
50.898333, 45.17
50.950667, 47.009667
Migrated From
48.714722, 9.523611
49.2925, 6.535
50.359722, 7.461667
50.992698, 9.451937
49.237741, 9.601385
49.618062, 9.594612
49.915654, 8.892577