Includes the following communities
Alamota, Lane Co., Kansas
Volga German families settled in and around Alamota.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German vamilies settled in and around Alamota:
Bahm from Kutter
Hinkel from Kutter
Litzenberger from Schönfeld
Nazarenus from Kutter
Reifschneider from Kutter
Riebel from Neu-Kolonie
Schaffer from Liebental
Stramel from Kamenka
Volga Colonies
External Links
- Alamota, Kansas (Wikipedia)
38.461111, -100.31
Volga Colonies
51.033833, 45.537667
50.733333, 45.766667
50.693333, 45.424667
51.125, 47.366667
51.2975, 46.861333
Migrated From
49.46878, 7.448513
50.338502, 8.25469
50.318209, 9.229098
49.707951, 7.666639
50.273889, 9.095