Includes the following communities
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Volga German families settled in and around Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan:
Bender from Kamenka
Birwert from Marienberg
Boos from Warenburg
Flahr from Neu-Kolonie
Fritzler from Grimm
Gleim from Konstantinovka
Nabe from Kraft
Volga Colonies
External Links
- Moose Jaw (Wikipedia)
50.393333, -105.551944
Volga Colonies
50.733333, 45.766667
50.926667, 46.076
50.481667, 45.47
50.886333, 45.489333
50.693333, 45.424667
50.990667, 47.079333
50.780667, 46.415167
Migrated From
49.060833, 10.965556
49.5458, -1.5778
50.648611, 9.181667
49.100285, 8.973628