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Dodge City, Ford Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities
Dodge City, Ford Co., Kansas
Ensign, Gray Co., Kansas
Ford, Ford Co., Kansas
Fort Dodge, Ford Co., Kansas
Bucklin, Ford Co., Kansas
Wright, Ford Co., Kansas

Volga German families settled in and around Dodge City, Kansas.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Dodge City, Kansas:

Amerine from Pfeifer
Betz from Neu-Messer
Bieker from Ober-Monjou
Bittle from Wittmann
Dechant from Wittmann
Deines from Neu-Dönhof
Depperschmidt from Liebental
Dinges from Wittmann
Dinkel from Herzog
Dome from Pfeifer
Dreiling from Herzog
Dumler from Grimm
Enslinger from Liebental
Ernst from Moor
Frank from Louis
Funk from Hussenbach
Geier from Graf
Giebler from Ober-Monjou
Goerlitz from Yagodnaya Polyana
Goetz from Herzog
Graf from Louis
Gumescheimer from Friedenfeld
Herl from Wittmann
Heronemus from Warenburg
Herrman from Liebental
Hertel from Ober-Monjou
Jacobs from Pfeifer
Kerbs from Galka
Koerner from Katharinenstadt
Konrade from Pfeifer
Korbe from Mariental
Kraft from Shcherbakovka
Legleiter from Liebental
Litzenberger from Schönfeld
Luft from Gnadenflur
Meier from Louis
Moore from Moor
Nazarenus from Kutter
Niedens from Wiesenmüller
Obholz from Mariental
Ochs from Schönfeld
Pfannenstiel from Ober-Monjou
Quint from Louis
Rodie from Beideck
Rohn from Walter
Ruder from Wittmann
Rupp from Ober-Monjou
Sauer from Zug
Schaffer from Liebental
Schanfeldt from Pfeifer
Scheck from Herzog
Schmidt from Pfeifer
Schuckman from Schönchen
Staab from Katharinenstadt
Stecklein from Zug
Stegman from Pfeifer
Stenzel from Ährenfeld
Toepfer from Fischer
Treise from Wiesenmüller
Vogel from Kamenka
Walters from Katharinenstadt
Weilert from Katharinenstadt
Windholz from Herzog
Younger from Herzog

Notable Individuals

37.759722, -100.0183

Volga Colonies

51.890064, 47.156874
51.970333, 45.604
51.8565, 47.059333
51.890064, 47.156874
51.736667, 46.8445
50.926667, 46.076
51.442, 46.739333
51.379167, 46.85
51.152333, 44.804167
51.863333, 47.093667
50.64, 45.395
51.033833, 45.537667
50.489167, 45.687167
50.886333, 45.489333
51.4845, 46.664833
50.886667, 44.83
51.712816, 46.740787
51.170833, 45.663333
51.682333, 46.606
51.494167, 46.710333
50.376333, 45.798333
50.693333, 45.424667
50.636167, 46.4745
51.125, 47.366667
51.053088, 45.104377
50.969667, 45.698333
51.021, 45.135833
51.2975, 46.861333
50.783167, 47.044
50.726833, 47.050167
51.464667, 47.622333

Migrated From

50.241111, 11.328056
50.241111, 11.328056
49.016667, 12.083333
49.016667, 12.083333
50.385278, 9.196944