Includes the following communities
Burley, Cassia Co., Idaho
Milner, Cassia Co., Idaho
Volga Germans seeking work in the sugarbeet industry settled the Burley area.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Burley:
Amen from Walter
Baumgartner from Anton
Dellos from Laub
Mohrlang from Walter
Spreier from Dietel
Notable Individuals
- Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlement in the United States (Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974): 53.
Gem Memorial Gardens (
External Links
Burley, Idaho (Wikipedia)
42.533333, -113.783333
Volga Colonies
Migrated From
49.851389, 7.527222
49.527389, 8.666944
49.820278, 9.257222
49.810556, 7.561944
50.052208, 8.695264