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San Justo, Departamento Concordia, Entre Ríos Province

Includes the following communities
San Justo, Departamento Concordia, Entre Ríos Province
Colonia San Justo, Departamento Concordia, Entre Ríos Province

Colonia San Justo was founded in about 1926 by Volga German families.

Volga German Congregations

The German Baptist Church in San Justo was founded on 7 July 1928 by the following Volga German families:

Juan Müller & Catalina Bauer
Enrique Kerbs & Catalina Beisel
David Knaus & Maria Klauser
David Usinger & Amalia Berg
Juan Heffele & (unnamed) Elsasser
Maria Catalina Schick
David Engel
Maria Elisa Kölln
Elna Usinger de Knaus
Enrique Engel & Ana Engel
Enrique Ziegler
Enrique Klauser
Enrique Kölln & Maria Kölln

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around San Justo:

Bernhardt from Galka
Engel from Galka
Heffele from Dobrinka
Kerbs from Galka
Klauser from Dobrinka
Kölln from Galka
Schick from Galka
Steinle from Dreispitz
Usinger from Stephan
Welsch from Schäfer
Ziegler from Galka

Founders of the German Baptist Church in Colonia San Justo.
Source: Joaquín Venegas Kerbs.

-31.133333, -58.116

Volga Colonies

51.530196, 46.614074
50.538333, 45.640333
50.366667, 45.66
50.376333, 45.798333
50.312471, 45.704846