Yocemento, Ellis Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities: 
Yocemento, Ellis Co., Kansas

Yocemento was founded in 1906 when a cement plant was being constructed by a group of investors from Hays. They hired Hungarian immigrants to do the construction.       

Local Volga German and German farmers joined with the Hungarians to form a Catholic parish, however, the cement plant was a failure and most of the Hungarians left the area.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families settled in and around Yocemento:

Depperschmidt from Liebental
Eberle from Mariental
Gerstner from Mariental
Goetz from Herzog
Heroneme from Mariental
Rohr from Mariental
VonFeldt from Herzog

Volga Colonies: 

Transcript of The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, 1926.

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 48.991111
Longitude: 12.034722
Latitude: 50.241111
Longitude: 11.328056
Latitude: 49.292500
Longitude: 6.535000
Latitude: 49.350000
Longitude: 8.150000
Latitude: 50.225916
Longitude: 9.348606